...yeah, so i get the impression that what i want to do is well beyond me.

logically, i think i'm making some sense of it. i need to make a shader perform multiple passes on the same mesh. if i want N after images, N passes need to be made. each pass would need a world position of the player at that point (stored in a buffer), and it would also need the mesh positions of every part of the player (also in a buffer, although probably a more complicated buffer). so something outside of the shader, like a C++ script, would need to maintain these buffers and execute the passes.

unfortunately, it's hard enough as it is trying to find UE4 custom shader knowledge. the documentation is incredibly obtuse to a beginner, and the one excellent video i've found can't go further than "make your own custom shader block in the material editor." which is still a necessary step i suppose, but barely scratches the surface of all of the problems i'm trying to solve. i even switched up to UE5 today, which has quickly reduced all of the relevant, more complicated public resources to zero.

also, happy day 100 of the streak. i would really like to include more images of stuff i'm making some time, but again, there's just nothing visually interesting about learning new engines or writing down story in a document. hopefully soon.

daily creative

work on something (gamedev, art, 3d modeling, music, ...) every day

joined 1,874 days ago


Decade Jam

To help keep members of the Decade Jam on track with their projects!

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