Today was spent organizing and preparing the sprites that Avis made and whipping up a small little demo level with a good amount of the logic in. This will allow me to integrate and play around with the basic mechanics, and plan the next few steps. I have also been brainstorming Music and Sound for the project, although nothing tangible has been produced in that department, yet.

Oh, I also refactored and fixed a few things that bugged me, found a better way to handle the tilesets and fought vividly with some grass tiles (they have bested me... for now Òó).

All in all, today was a day of stepping back and taking a calm look at the project, laying things out in front of us and getting ready to get the demo done. I am still pretty positive that we can show off something cool this weekend.

More submissions by mokka for Decade Jam

The weekend is over, I am back doing gamedev stuff, yay!
I spent most of my time today refining the first music loop and cobbling together a second one. The latter is included as today's exclusive q:

I also got around to putting down some more logic and UI stuff, getting ever close to a first playable demo level. All in all, picking up my pace again and enjoying this current break from most responsibilities c:


A submission by mokka for Decade Jam 151

A day full of work, just not the kind I like q:

Did manage to fix up some code and play around with the music loop from yesterday, but no results worth showing were produced...

I am also away this weekend, so I am very stoked for Monday (Sunday night, maybe) to get back to work on games and music

Had a few busy days, with much less time for game dev than I would like.

But, finally, things are falling into place one by one; the game states are implemented, half of the initial UI is in. Still brainstorming for expansions of the basic concepts we currently have, the well of ideas has not yet dried up.

I also had around an hour to play around with a first music loop. I'm not yet happy with it, but there's something good in there. May be able to work on that a bit more tomorrow, ~~if~~ when I grow tired of programming.

There should be some small benefit to being active on streak club, so I will further deter people from joining the streak by secretly and silently posting WIPs here q:

Today I made a state machine. Not a massive accomplishment, but I was pretty busy with other work today, so getting even this "small" amount of work done feels pretty satisfying.

Also started making interactable elements, which worked out well, too. I can fully plan out the main lifecycle tomorrow and get that logic in, which only really leaves UI for a first playable demo...

Ideas for some music keep collecting as well, I hope to have a free day to demo a few of those soon c':

Mechanics and systems are slowly falling into place, I got a good bit of basic logic in today.

Sundays are usually pretty slow for me, I like to just enjoy the day, but I am pretty happy with the amount of work I managed to do.

Sprites keep on coming, as well, Avis is cranking out new stuff at an absurd rate. The only thing that is kind of looming ahead in the darkness is (as always) UI. I think I'll be able to get some dirty and ugly interfaces in tomorrow, and then actually make them look good with Avis' help during the next few days.

Playable prototype tomorrow?! Oo

Instead of getting more gameplay mechanics in, I spent today working on some procedural house generation. Which was also good fun, and will allow us to make some serviceable levels to test around with and demo the gameplay.

Mechanics... will follow tomorrow. With the addition of some new (fantastic!) sprites by Avis, and with the prospect of getting the first pass on core gameplay done tomorrow, we should be able to show off our work this weekend.

Our perpetual spitballing and brainstorming is also still producing good results, and we have accumulated a fairly solid collection of concepts, which should allow us to transform the basic gameplay into something... else c;

Tomorrow will bring new cool stuff!

I missed yesterday's streak, which is gutting ;_;
Too busy and caught up with my other work, that I completely forgot typing into this (virtual) echo chamber q:

Today, good progress was made. Tilesets, navigation, some enemy spawning and camera movement are all in and working fairly well. Really getting to enjoy Godot, which is also a positive.

Tomorrow will bring a first foray into setting up the UI for the game and getting a first layer of interaction in (because apparently players want to actually play video games. Crazy, I know...).

Avis and I are still waiting for a good point in time to actually show off our work, if things go smooth that day might just be tomorrow, too. We'll see. Definitely (probably) this week. Maybe. I think.

Until then, keep on jamming c:

After a long, way too hot day (for me, at least), Avis and I sat back down together and worked out the main details for our game. Mice shall be included.
First few pages of GDD are done, ideas are flooding, systems are falling into place mentally, it's going well!

Tomorrow will see a day full of Godot, getting the first few things coded in and setting up the basic stuff.

Finally, somehow, Avis and I have started to plan working on a game!

We've settled for an isometric tower-defense game and have started brainstorming for ideas. In fact, we already found one that's pretty awesome, and I am very excited to start working on expanding that rough concept of ours.
More details in due time, we are secretive folks c;

This'll be a fun one!

Decade Jam

To help keep members of the Decade Jam on track with their projects!

joined 1,593 days ago