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Finished reading the tax book & almost half-way there w/the game dev one
Ima start reading "The Secret language of Color" starting tmrw~

More submissions by jasontomlee for Book Club

I forgot to update this last month, so I'll try to squeeze out what I've learned from this book.

  1. Always be welcoming to new and challenging problems. When you accept bigger problems, you tend to become bigger than those problems when you work away at them. Putting things in the realm of possibility makes it possible.

  2. Big thinkers think positive. Negativity subtracts from the infinite realm of possibilities you are capable of achieving. So when something puts you down, think positive and big. You shall overcome.

  3. Big thinkers take it one step at a time because they see the bigger picture. More often than not, small thinkers want the results instantly. If they do not get the results, they assume it is either not possible or not worth the effort.
    Think far into the future, and take things one step at a time.

  4. Take time to plan things out. Work smarter.
    An exerpt of the book mentions how this one ceo dude spent 4 hours every Sunddy to plan out his week. Those 4 hours of self reflection and planning allowed his following days to become that much more effective with the same amount of effort. So make sure you make an effort to plan things out- not planning your vision out leads you to uncertain, aimless outcomes.

Next book is Elemental Magic Volume 2!

Excellent read. Just finished it today.

Here are the best takeaways I got from the book:

  1. Self control is a muscle. It gets tired when you overwork it too much.
    ex. Test subjects who are forced to resist eating a cookie will perform far worse in self control & emotional stability compared to their cookie eating coutnerparts.

  2. Habits are formed by the Trigger, Loop, and Reward cycle.

  3. Old habits never die, they are just overrun by new habits.

  4. More often than not, the Triggers cannot be altered. It is best to either completely avoid Triggers or override the Loop & Rewards to form a completely new habit.

  5. Nearly every aspect of our daily life is controled by unconcious habits that cater to our emotions, certain thoughts, physical stimuli, etc...

  6. Changing a habit requires numerous trial & errors. You must be creative with the Loops & Rewards you give yourself. Pinpoint where the bad habits root from (Trigger,Loop, or Reward).

My next book will be Elemental Magic again! I have a shit ton of animation to do so it's going to be helpful in the upcoming month. lez git ittt

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joined 56 months ago