Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
I was working on dynamic shadows today and needed some light sources - so I made a lamp and a few candles.
Here's a badly looped gif of a bad animation. Needs lots of work!
Edit: I've added another image(top) with an alternate animation that I like a bit better.
So I broke my streak yesterday :(. I made it 24 days though, which is pretty good compared to my history of attempting to form habits.
Anyway, he's a very simple idle animation that doesn't feel quite right to me, but I'm not sure why.
Cursed Atosh carries his own grave marker, for he knows, one day, he'll be eaten alive by his mate or his young.
I decided to spruce up candles a bit. I love the lighting effect, but it is not very performant at the moment.
The bottom part is what I worked on today. The "trees" need more texture to actually look like trees
I meant for this to be a title card kinda thing, but it kind of morphed into a landscape or sorts. I'm not good at landscapes.
Now that I've spent a lot of time with Ebrietas, I find aspects of her design cute. Mostly her asymmetrically aligned eyes.
joined 2,626 days ago
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@Dr.Electro Yeah I haven't added any normal maps to the player character yet, so there will be lack of shading there until I do.
Regarding the candles - The candles got darker because standing in front of the key light cuts off the main light source. If you'll notice, the candles are lit individually. I may need to bump up each candle's brightness value, but I think it's working as expected.
Thanks for the feedback!
looks strange though that the character isnt lit and the lights of the candles get darker when in shadow