A Magical Black Hole inspired by one of my short stories. I need to remove the rust after this December. :)

More submissions by thek3nger for Daily Art Club

PRAISE THE SWITCH \[T]/ My most complex daily pixelart attempt so far.

Celebrating the Dark Soul Remastered for Nintendo Switch! :D

Swamp. Still limited palette study.

My daily pixel art is dedicate to Nintendo Switch. Because people is overhyped for the 11th Jan Direct and I have no expetations at all. (wrong)

Zhù. The character in the emoji I have currently on my Twitter name. Good wishes, everyone!

Study with a very limited palette. Dithering study #1.

I didn't put much time in this today. I have much more other work to do as a non-artist. :D But I need to keep the ball rolling, so, here it is.

Main problem is color palette. I keep modifying the palette while drawing and this does not help. I should try to do black and white for a while. :D

Daily Art Club

Make art every day, how long can you last?

joined 2,302 days ago
