Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
The setting and way you go through the game and story are up to debate and can be left to be worked on later. we shall instead focus on the core gameplay. You will play using the virtuix omni with motion trackers. preferably it would be nice to have something hefty like a weighted pole or other such item for a motion controller as it would make VR fighting games feel better. You will be pitted in a small arena like area with no real way of exiting the area until all foes are defeated. sometimes you may have team mates, other you will not, the main goal is to create a game that will let you have access to a large arsenal of melee weapons and pit you against foes for you to fight. Prehaps you could fight with or against players but the idea is to create a gladiator like arena fighting game.
The year is 2044 and society has broken down into complete turmoil after Microsoft in turn with apple systematically ruin and crash all computers and electronic systems by force updating them into very expensive bricks. Stocks markets crash, wall streets crashes and everyone all over the world is in uproar due to their constant reliance on technology not being met. In a remote eugenics lab out in eastern USA You experiments on creating completely new biological lifeforms and and cloning has reached its peak. You are a frog who has been broken out by the reincarnation of Harambe and the two of you must go out and restore order to society by purging all the internet trolls and weirdos who have now moved their internet habits onto the people outside their homes. You will be constantly riding your unicycle from left to right in a side scrolling hell shooter fashion to help defeat this plague on society and rescue Your fello genetic mishaps bred from the imagination of a scientist with little no no professionalism what so ever from certain death. You will be rolling down the street and rolling to the beat as you must fight your way to the end of each level to face off against many bosses including mega hitler and the immortal 12 year old elite sniper assasin to save your friends each level. The game continues until the final boss and the epic conclusion were memes and humans alike live peacfully in whatever world has been left behind.
Another fun game from Gentlemenly Kiwi games. Space amoeba forever, a fun little game all about mitoses. no, not mitoses like i mean mitoses as in you get to go around collecting bits and growing and splitting as you go. however here its all about spreading! As you grow you will get slower, and you must shed and split to get points to evolve and gets bonuses that will make you better and better. However at first you little bits will be friendly like you and putter off to do their thing but be careful as they may deviate and become their own thing! you are basic colour yourself, a big blue blob and you make your mini blue blobs as you go and get bigger but as you get bigger things get more complex. your little blue guys may grow and turn into all different colours and grow their own faction wide upgrades, terrible. Early on you will simply have to slide over deviant miscreants to consume them once again and shed them off in the right colour but as both you and your children go about and get bigger and better you will have to evolve unique defences, melting foes you touch, inflating and becoming slightly hollow so you cant get eaten by big guys, random spikes along your flagella or some wiggling things to move faster. This is game all about growing and spreading and contesting with the mess you just made as you grow bigger and bigger. have fun dealing with your little children Big blue blob!
As the title suggests this game will be about playing in the kitchen. This game focuses on taking ingredients and slapping them together in such an order that you can make excellent meals. A bit like the paps restaurant series, but here you will not be taking orders or giving them out you will simply given an order and you must then explore your work space which will be one screen with lots of draws and items and such.
Lets run down how you would play the game. Screen one, window. You are facing the window and there is an order on a rotatory. You take the order and it has a burger on it. Ok you must pull open some draws by clicking on them and then on the tools inside. Spatula and knife, check. then you click on the arrow on the left side of your screen to turn left. Screen two, freezer area. here are your fresh ingredients, You click the bag of buns to grab a bun and drag it to your inventory on a bar at the bottom, click the freezer to open it and then the tomatoes and lettuce. You can only hold 3 items and so you turn right and drag the ingredients out and go back to grab the rest. On the right is a cooker to cook frozen pattys and while they cook you chop your current ingredients appropriately, flip the pattys, arrange the burger in the right order on a plate and done. You put it up on the counter in screen one, put the order ticket on it and ding a bell. Whoop you done well.
That was just a single burger, You own this business and must use what money you earn to get better interior for bonuses, get a bigger menu ect... This is a game about cooking and upgrading as you go to ultimately become the best restaurant in town.
A game based within the walls of a castle town in a far off fantasy kingdom. Garrison is a game that without rhyme or reason puts you right in the middle of the life of a blacksmiths son who aspires to become a guardsman since his older brothers are more likely to take over the family business, The game is a moment by moment type game were you are in a small room or area and can only vaguely interact with the world. That is talking to people, interacting with things ect. and as you go through each moment depending on what you do in the moment will affect what the next moment or future moments will be. for example, you do not play well with the other children in your youth and later down the line key characters are not with you. The game puts you right into the game without a tutorial, a warning or a story. Any opinion of anything and everything is made up by the player, and the feelings they have as they blink past the moments of this mans life.
The main story ark is you play few deviations of your characters life, each differing greatly based on your small actions. You will start as a child with your brothers, mother and father. you will interact with your friends who may also join you later on. You may end up dying early from a foolish mistake or be placed on the gates or in town or in the palace. you may or may not get to meet and deal with the future great hero and help influence what he does later on. all this narrative and story leading up to one great invasion that will ultimately require this hero who until now you didn't know was a hero, going in and saving you, the town and everyone. or maybe he doesn't, maybe you save everyone or maybe you die and the hero does not care a bit. it puts you respectively in the shoes of the inhabitants of a member of the garrison of the city and you get to witness and influence the outcome of your city and your people.
This game would play in some similar respect to 'A soldiers last moments' or 'Close your' with the moment by moment story driven narrative.
You are an assassin hired and paid by rich men to take care of certain people who happen to be in their way. Your not a mercenary or thug however, your an archer, and a damn good one at that. The game takes place across a series of varying areas were you will get a full 360 degree view of your surroundings but you cannot move or interact with anything without using your bow and arrows. Early on you may just have to hit a target who's standing in the open while you stand from a roof. later on you may have to do things like shoot to interact with your environment or do specific things in a puzzle sense to even get a clear shot on your target. but i'm sure that with enough practice you can make any shot happen. its not like getting captured will stop you from re attempting a level.
(Picture from skyrim)
A tower defense game were you must defend your pug from oncoming foes who wish to do them harm! possibly. We do not know what their intentions truly are but the vile orcs, undead and heretics alike all wish to reach your pug for one reason or another and with the large siege weapons they brought i'm damn sure its not to pet her. The game takes place in a top down view of a map with multiple elevations. You must construct walls, towers and other defensive buildings to make a safe haven on the map to leave your pug. But as soon as you leave the monsters wonder onto the map from all directions and find the most shortest route to your pug. They will tear down towers, scale walls and spook stationed guards in their endeavours. After the dust has settled you have returned and may build more again and recruit more using the gold you earned from smiting evil. After X number of waves you can move to the next area and start crafting your little base for your pug. being the god of innocent and cute critters is a difficult task in this world friend.
A 3D open world game about birds. You the player and whatever friends you wish to bring with you get to play as birds doing bird things, like flying and showing what your opinion of blue cars happens to be. When you start playing you will be on a specific map which will act as a chapter or act. in world one you can only play on type of bird, like a sparrow maybe i don't know what the starting bird would be to be honest. In each world the troop of players will have missions to do. each time one is done the next is revealed and more of the world is open to venture into. This is to give some fair reason to doing missions as they will unlock birds, more places to roam and the other worlds/chapters to visit. This is bird simulator however so as well as your basic missions like gaining freedom from your home and escaping to the outside world, you will get to have unique and interesting interactions with the environment as a whole. places to explore, puzzles to solve for the sake of solving them and NPCs to screw with. An open world co-operative experience from the perspective of a small flying creature, and maybe eventually some non-flying types too. remember, ALL birds will get their tale.
Spear of justice is a temple run type game were you the player get to run through a three lanes. You will get to run, jump, move side to side and put your shield up block. The idea behind this game is you're a warrior charging from A to B dodging attacks from ahead. The attacks sent are based on any custom music you have chosen to use. you fight and dance around attacks to your music. The run ends when the music does.
-Swipe left or right to move left and right respectively. Do this to dodge attacks in your current lane.
-Swipe up to jump, swipe left or right to roll mid air into the next lane. Do this to jump over obstacles or gain some height.
-Swipe down and hold to raise your shield. This will protect you from small hazards and breakable terrain.
-Swipe up then down and hold to slam your shield into the ground and slide a short distance. This will protect you from floor hazards.
-Getting hit will slow you and reduce your momentum, at 0 momentum you fall over and lose.
-running into a solid object will out right stop you in your tracks.
-Attacks and terrain is generated based on the music you picked. each song has its own unique level set to it.
-Slam down specific destructibles, bounce up to higher places or turn left or right to move to different areas to explore the map and find bonus',
(Picture from the original Temple run Game from android.)
Its an endless running game, with my own personal twist. Play to your music and dont hit ANYTHING if you can help it, little will be of benifit on a run.
The time of war. a game that is all about you going into battle after battle one after the other without pause. you start in the ancient era and fight historic battles all the way to the modern era. but as you go a story unfolds, a tale of epic battles and bloodshed. You will always be on the historically loosing side or perhaps the side that won by a hairs breath. The game works around the principle that you are nothing more than a soldier, paid to fight and die for your country. When you go our you will fight and inevitably die like everyone around you, but when you do. the fighting ends. you don't know who won or what happens next you simply fall down and close your eyes and open them again as someone in the next battle. you blink from life to life from the eyes of a soldier who's only task is to fight and die, feeling first hand the pointlessness of war. Maybe your a Persian footman charging into 300 Spartans with no way to turn back then suddenly you're a Roman officer leading your troops into battle. This game is designed to take you out of your die, rinse, repeat mind set and show you that your life matters, and its quite likely that you, like every face you stand with will not walk home.It is the time of war, were no man lives forever.
No human truly knows why the dwarves hate the goblins so much, they have not been truly threatening in many many years. but to us dwarves, it was only a mere couple generations ago. This is the tale of my grandmother, Demamba, queen of the dwarves, and the fall of house greydwarf.
You are Queen Demamba of house grey dwarf, self proclaimed queen of the dwarven people. no other dwarf in the city disagrees with this notion and your holds wealth means no other dwarf clan may challenge your claim either. but this has attracted jealousy from the goblin tribes in the surrounding lands and even the elves who are more than mad with your disrespect for their trees.You must build up your hold on the left side of the screen and dig down to unlock space for rooms to house your dwarves and build equipment. as you dig you will encounter veins which will take much longer to excavate but will constantly supply ore. ore is used by your rooms to supply equipment for constantly migrating dwarves who will arrive from the right side of the screen above ground. when you gates are open they will come in and can be assigned jobs. if the gates are shut they cannot enter, and neither can the many waves of goblins that will attack constantly and try to take your holding. You can build above ground defenses but you must be constantly aware who needs to be let in as the goblins will enter and attack your rooms from within and their occupants otherwise. The game does not end until your dwarven holding has been taken and everyone is gone.But do not be too disheartened, dwarves will always return to reclaim what was once their own. and a dwarf never lets go of a grudge.
A VR game were you are a giant who is tasked with safe guarding a small village of little folk from utter disaster. You are the big friendly giant and disaster constantly befalls your little companions. each level you must use your size to alter the environment without squishing anyone or breaking anything in order to keep them safe from things like falling rocks, evil monster and other such hazards as the little folk make their way from their start point to their end point. help them reach their village! You cannot use your body as they will not walk on your person but you you pick up items using vive remotes and hold them in place or set them down in places to be used. You also have tools to modify items around the environment like cutting stone into shape or wood into pieces so you can make effective bridge.
So a knight walks into an alchemist shop and asks for only his strongest potion. The potion seller turns him down as his strongest potion will clearly kill the man as he is not strong enough. Argument ensues.
You are the Village Alchemist and you craft and brew fine potions and concoctions from various ingredients. throwing in each bit and piece to extract their magical property's and brew only the strongest of potions. but not too strong as to kill any normal man. Adventurers will come in from time to time to either sell you herbs to stock up your herb stocks at random prices (within reason, but some can be greedier than others) and others will come in and order potions for various tasks.
So a man walks into your shop and says "I am on a quest to rid Redwing cave of the fire drakes inhabiting it and i require a potion to save be from their fiery breath." They will naturally need a potion of fire resist so off you go to mix your various herbs and ingredients, the adventurer is asking for one potion but you may also recommend he buy some other related potions while he is there. he agrees and you start to brew him a fire resist potion and two healing balms to heal burns.
Now we head off to our magic cauldron and examine our shelf for herbs. we have two red fire bird feathers and a spotted mushroom and a guam root. We shall take our red leaf and mix it in the cauldron with the guam root to brew up a weak potion of fire resist. we would need to add more to increase its potency but since this adventurer is not too strong he would not be able to handle a stronger potion, it will do. we have brewed our potion, now we shall bottle up three vials and store the extras away. we then take out mushroom and guam to make a healing balm using the mushroom to turn it into a balm. we fill 3 tubs up and done. our adventurer will pay handsomely for these.
To learn more potion types we must first experiment with our ingredients by mixing them to gather and see the results. don't forget to pay adventurers to quest on your behalf for more herbs too!
Printer not working so i cannot upload my actual ui and descriptive drawing so take this picture of a man selling potions. will update this soon as i can use a printer.
a 1 v 6 game were one team of merc's are tasked with hunting down and eliminating the juggernaut. The mercenaries will start on one side of the map and will have time to set up defenses and traps to try and stop the juggernaut. The juggernaut will be tasked with trying to get from his side of the map to the other in one piece. He is heavily armored and there are only a few places on his player model that can take damage. The juggernaut player can choose from a few select characters before play, here we will pretend he is the shield bearer. The juggernaut is always slow and well protected, the shield juggernaut will have a .44 magnum and a massive shield and full on body Armour. The mercenary team will have access to various trap kits and weapons to help them fight this tanky foe. Claymores, drop traps and grenades will all be assets to help take down the juggernaut indirectly or play distractions so they can get in and take him out more personally. When either the juggernaut has reached his destination or killed all six other players he will win and the next round will start. Generally a single game will last 7 rounds for each player to have a go and whoever got the highest score from fighting the juggernaut and playing them will win.
Juggernaut classes are but not limited to:
-Shield bearer
-Minigun guy.
Omega corporation, world leading seller in all sorts of products from computers to tinned food items, has under gone a great catastrophic event. The CEO and head chairman of Omega corp has recently passed away, normally this change over is fine for business and all but theirs one problem. He had invested a lot of his money into buying shares for his pet pug, whether this was a joke or intentional the company is now owned by a small dog bent on turning everything the company stands for into pug related products. In a great attempt to stop businesses cat ventures our Pug has gone on a marketing spending spree sending you the player all over town to buy businesses and find locations to open more shops. You will be running around town buying up unclaimed shops and integrating them into your corporation. People will then come and buy products and earn you cash. more cash, more expansion! but beware as Business cat ventures will stop at nothing to make sure this upstart pug does not achieve his goal of world domination before the cats. You must buy out places and build the right buildings to steal money from Business Cat ventures shops and businesses to try and force them to sell their buildings to you and eventually get knocked out of the game to win you the level. Soon the world will be run by pugs and we can all live together in friendship at last.
Arena is a card game played between two players using two identical decks. Both players will have 20 each in a combination of classes and colours. You will have the Knight, the Archer, the Rouge, the Mage and the Priest. Each deck will have four of each class in colours blue, red, green and yellow, these colours mean nothing more than to help players devised the cards into two decks of 20 each. Play works with both players putting down three cards each, one after the other with each players three cards lay'd out in front of them in a row. Then both players will turn over their cards and duel. The winner of each duel will take both the cards and put them in a pile next to their main deck. You will always have at least five cards in your hand at a time and when your deck is gone you must put the deck of won cards in its place and shuffle it, then continues to draw. play continues until one player has less than three cards at which point the other player is declared the winner.
Each class works in that it can both defeat two other classes and be defeated by two other classes. What each card can beat is indicated both on the card and in the rule books Combat Pentagon. I will provide a picture of said pentagon so i don't have to list what beats what in words. Also cards will only fight the card in front of it, since there's only 3 each it shouldn't be hard to tell whats in front of what.
Archanium is a VR game were you get to play a wizard who gets to quest around an open world with the goal of learning the secrets of magic. The one big mechanic this game revolves around is the art of gathering spells and learning them, its a complicated process you see. First you have your book compendium that is an in-game item you can always summon to your side when needed. you can open it up and use a quill pen to write down in your book any notes and spells you have in the world. Your book will have everything as learned spells are not simply automatically put in it. As you travel the world you will have to find special runes that can be translated into words of power. A spell is a combanation of these words of power, each word is a component in a spell like light, fly, stay for, 30 seconds. together the words will cast a light spell out for a total of 30 seconds. there is no mana, just words. to cast a spell you must speak into your mic the words to see its effects. Be weary not to kill yourself by casting something silly like burn self. You will record everything in your book for later use to look back on your research and see what spells you know and what runes you have translated. In the world you can find runes in combinations that are spells, books that contain how to pronounce certain runes ect. when you speak a runes word the rune will glow and when all the runes glow you simply cast your prepped spell and see the effect. The world will have its conflicts, its traps and its perils but an aspiring wizard like yourself needs to make due without a massive library to work in.
Blazing skys is a game were you the player and a team of other players will get to command and defend Your teams giant airship. Each airship is capable of happily holding 12 or so people and both have a series of jobs that require work to function. the other team will also have a giant airship with 12 or so players on it. Both teams will fight for control of the battlefield bellow were both teams armies will autonomously battle each other. Both teams must use their skills and their airships to battle to take out the other teams ship and send it plummeting out of the sky. On the ground troops can be shot at and assisted by the airships as they fight for control over bases that provide bonuses and AA guns. The AA guns alone cannot match the might of the Airship but they can help a teams Airship in a pinch. each control point can be captured by bombarding it until your troops take it. Bonuses bases give can be troop, player or ship upgrades. (Also be aware that AI troops are far bellow and numerous and will be unlikely to have any combat or movement animations.) As far as ship operations go it would work in the sense that Blackwake went for, Every item must be used in a particular order to function and damage must be found to repair. Airships will use thematically appropriate designs and both teams will have specific areas you can repair at if they cannot be reached, like balloons. And if you can physically reach it then you will have to go fix the problem at that place specifically, like patching a hole or repairing a boiler. Players will have weapons but not decent weapons as you are meant to be operating the ship not boarding, but boarding is still a possibility and sabotage is always fun if you can get away it. Fantastic steampunk wallpaper.
A 2D Puzzle game about a small being who can split into pieces to allow them self to complete tasks that would otherwise be undo able. You will be playing as a small blob (Lets just assume its a blob it could be anything really.) which is tasked with finding a way to the exit of the level that it is in. You will be able to jump and go left and right and split. When you split you can choose to control bits of you or your whole self. You must get as much of yourself to the exit as possible. scoring will be a bit like lemmings in that not all of you has to make it but more is better, if not all. This game ill have gravity, movement, splitting, rejoining and physical interaction with the world, that is blobs can interact with blobs etc. That is the basic mechanics of the game. As far as extra mechanics and gameplay features to make levels more challenging goes we shall say this. There are various things in the world you can interact with, water, fire/lava, metal. You can use blobs to absorb and take on the physical properties of these things at command. This can allow your pieces to be their own little tools and keys to solving the puzzle of a level. be aware however that when blobs join back together elements may combine and possibly cancel each other out of dissipate from joining with too much grey goo and losing its original element. Try to be careful in your bits and blobs as not everything is safe to interact with and not every bit may make it out.
(picture of game called "Night game" Game concept inspiration came from Red vs blue web series and the game Super morph)
Talk to me is a VR game that is less about you the player trying to achieve some abstract goal or save a princes or anything silly like that. This is something much more important. Talk to me is a VR game were you will stand before a virtual crowed giving a speech. you are not being given anything to read off of this is to help you practice. You will be recorded in every sense from start to finish and when you are done you will say to end. When you have finished your speech you will be moved to the crowed bellow and you will see yourself on the stage. You will see you, recorded in 3D presenting your speech to the crowed, the crowed you now stand in. Everyone who has done speeches before has always asked how did they look and you want to know how did you come off. You will see how you did. You are recorded and presented in full 3D from the Vive and will watch your speech from the crowed. you can note every problem, embarrassment and thing you wish to improve on to help you become a more confident speaker. you will see you and you will get to see how you can express yourself in a less awkward way. Or maybe your completely fine and you can help your self esteem! talk to me is a tool expressed through the medium of game and play. you can do each other, you could do karaoke together and just watch the fun unfold. this is a game that is about recording you on stage and playing it back so you can watch from both sides. When you start up this game you will only be asked to to one thing, Talk to me. (Link to blog containting original picture.)
you and several other guys are in a predicament. someones got to die. you each have your own reasons for this showdown but you all agree that for this to not be some kind of Mexican stand off you each have decided to occupy and set up your own little section of a Deserted arena. Each player will set up their half or corner of a side of the arena. Adding barricades, traps, defenses and weapons. Each player will have 30 to 60 seconds (depends on settings) to set up their starting area with a randomly generated set of pieces. Depending on your pre set rules for that match, each player will spawn in with X number of lives and a generic weapon. placed objects will always be movable or destroyable to disallow walling off parts of the arena.
(picture from gang garrison 2.)
To illistrate the kind of map the game will use. no the game will not look like pixels... maybe, that depends on what the artists do with it.
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