Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
The game will be a puzzle game. The goal is simple, get to the other side. The only problem is that whichever direction you step you slide until you hit something as the floor is made of ice.Therefore if you step in the wrong direction you could slide somewhere you don't want to be. There will generally be a set way to get to the other side. The levels will get harder as you go and the consequences for sliding the wrong way will get more extreme, eg there could be holes or spikes in some directions. the game could be played on anything with a directional pad or even on a mobile with touch screen, just slide your finger the direction you want to move.
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You sit on a toilet. While doing your business you hear a noise. It almost sounds like flushing but at a great distance. All of a sudden it feels like the world disappears then reappears. You're falling. You land in some water and it's so dark you cannot see a single thing around you. Suddenly light explodes around you. The light doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere. You hear a voice from above but cannot see who or what it is "The game is simple. Climb to the top of the bowl!" You finally realize you are actually swimming inside of a giant toilet. You are not the only one. "Only one can escape, the rest.... will be flushed!"
The aim of the game is to be the first one to the top. There are crack up and down the toilet bowl and you can see floating around you is a few plungers, these will be the things you use to scale the bowl. The game will be a cinematic with random button prompts that you have to follow exactly to successfully climb. Failing will result in you falling. The more you fail the faster you fall. The button prompt will increase with difficulty as you rise. In both speed and complexity. There will be a timer you have to beat. If it counts to zero it means one of the ai contestants have made it to the top and you will be flushed. If the game roster is full of players there will be no timer.
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You have just moved into a nice new neighborhood. A nice little house with a white picket fence and the neighbors are all welcoming you with open arms and meatloaf as gifts. You smile back telling all of them you're so glad to know they're all so friendly since you don't know anyone around here. What you don't tell them is that both you, and your partner, are full blown psychopaths. For you smiling is a chore to make sure people don't figure out your secret.
The game is played from the first person perspective and the game world is based in a huge sprawling neighborhood. The games goal is to make sure that people don't find out your secret. For as long as you can until you would have to move onto another place. One challenge though is your bloodlust. Both you and your partner can't go a few days without making sure at least one other person doesn't make it to the end of the day. You have plenty of ways of doing that ranging from poison, to pushing someone from a bridge all the way to rocket launchers. You just have to make sure it doesn't trace back to you. You can house guests, throw a barbecue and be friendly with all the locals while choosing a target. If you do go too many days without a kill you will end up losing the game.
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The game is first person. Two player game. There will be no cursor in your screen. You cannot turn at all. You can only look up or down. If you look down you will notice that you are on a platform. There is no movement at all. There will be a beep notifying the players that the draw will be called soon. No actual timer for the players because we want draw to be based on reaction. Once draw has been called the player will turn as fast they can and try shoot the other player. When the cursor appears it will not be straight in the middle of the screen to add a bit more skill to the act of shooting the player. The platform that either player are on will not be parallel so the platforms will be all over the place. This makes it so that the player will have to find them before shooting. The game will be an arena sort of set up. So you will enter a game with a player. It will be a first to three, players changing position every game.
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You are a newly crowned king. Late one evening while you are alone in the throne room you hear a voice. You look around the empty room but no one is around. You hear it again you get up off your throne and move forward looking for the source. The voice speaks up louder this time from behind. You turn to see a young boy sat on your throne. Anger rises in you taking great offence in this but just as you're about to speak you notice the boy looks different. He seems aged yet young. Something seems off. Before you can say anything he speaks up. "It's your turn, You are the lucky king who gets to try best us. By us I mean the ancient ones. You hear of us in the stories you tell your children to make sure they don't act out. We've been around for a very long time and every thousand years we march across this land wiping out every last being we can find. This warning has been issued to the king of the land three years prior to every march. We're hoping for a challenge this time although we don't expect much, every time it's the same old boring easy task. But never the less we still do it. You have three years to prepare. Have fuuuun". With that the boy disappears. You sit back in your throne directly where the boy sat. Feels cold to the touch.
This is where the game begins. You realize the boy was not joking. That those stories are true. That war is coming and you have three years to prepare for it. Do you tell your people. Do you hide it. How do you prepare for it. Building armies? Building fortifications? How do you afford it? Do you tax the people hard? Make people or even children work to get the army ready. These are all choices as king you have to make. The people may resent you or love you. All the choice made before will affect every choice you make after. But after the three years the war will come and will you have done enough to make sure you are not wiped out like the nations before you.
The game will take place mostly in the throne room where you will give tasks to your people on a weekly basis with reports on how they went after and allotted time. The will also be a walking simulator element to the game where you can choose to walk your kingdom in certain areas seeing the impacts your choices are having on the world around you.
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You are a Private investigator for hire. You will start out with simple missions to start with, where's my cat? For example. Moving on to bigger and better jobs with the more renown you get. You can act within a grey area. Breaking in or threatening someone isn't outside of your arsenal but you might end up finding you start working for the not so great people of your city. As you progress you will learn new techniques to help you with your trade, these techniques will tailor towards your kind of investigating. There will be a big underlying plot as you move through the story from mission to mission finding that some pieces from earlier on in the game fit into the bigger picture. There will be set difficulties, easy will generally give away the clues you are looking for, medium requires you to look into things a little more but there will be hints along the way and hard where there is no help at all and the only way to progress is to look into everything yourself. the game will be played with the option to play third person or first with the ability to switch.
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Space Fighter is a first person game that takes place inside the cockpit of the of a space fighter. It is a multiplayer online fighter game. There will be a matchmaking system where you are match with other players of your skill. There would be certain game types such as; team deathmatch where you just get as many kills as you can until a certain goal of kills is met, A king of the hill game where you have to hold a certain area for as long as you can, Dreadnought destroy where you have to take out the enemy command vessel and many more. As you level up outside of the games you will be able to customize your ship aesthetically and its performance which includes; better weapons, better flight control and so on.
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Team Galaxy is a multiplayer game set in space. It is a sandbox exploration game set on a universal scale. A spaceship as large as the one you are aboard requires more than one person to run it. That is where the multiplayer comes in. Each player will choose a role of their choice to play. the roles would be as followed
The roles can be filled by ai if need be to make sure a player can get a full experience. The game will Expand as the players grow into their roles. Allowing them to do more on the planets they find and the other aliens and ships they meet
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The game is a multiplayer online arena game. It is played from a thirdperson perspective. The type of arena can change, so it could be in a forest, a city, a desert or more. The size of the arena will decrease pushing people towards the centre. The game will have the option to play in teams of up to eight and be able to host at least eight teams. The aim of the game is to be the last player or team alive. The only weapons at your disposal will be grenades and there is only eight different types of grenades. These grenades will be given to you at random at the start of the match. Therefore the should only be one type of grenade given to each player of a team of eight. To gather more grenades you will have to take them from other dead players but you can only hold eight grenades at any one time. The grenades will also affect the terrain, changing it with explosions
Type of grenades.
The only other resource the player has is a radar. When radar is activated it sends out a sonar that spreads out in a circle around the player. When that sonar detects another Player it will show where the players locations is at that point in time. On the other hand when a player gets detected they get an alert. So that player will know that they have been exposed. A player that is not moving can not be detected.
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The game will be played on a mobile phone with tilt motion. At the bottom of the screen there will be a plate which has the ability to slide when you tilt the screen. eg tilt the phone to the left and the plate will slide to the left. The level will begin with a piece of bread falling, then followed by delicious sandwich fillings (chicken, tomato, lettuce and so on). At the end of the level the top piece of bread will fall to complete the masterpiece that is a sandwich. The game will work with a level system and each level will get harder. The fillings will fall faster and more unpredictable, sauces may fall which will be a like a continuous stream you have to catch. Losing will come down to not catching enough of the fillings. You should never waste any food....
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Taking inspiration from my road home tonight. The game involves you riding down a traffic jammed motorway on a motorbike. Using the motorbikes size to your advantage you are going in between traffic to get to your destination faster. This will require focus as if you drift off a little you might hit a car. To add to that you will also have to avoid the absolutely horrible drivers who don't know what indicating is or what mirrors are used for. These cars will cause issues if you ram into the back of them at high speeds. You can either brake really hard which isn't always successful or use the space they were going to move into. The game works off a high score system. The further you get the higher the score. The difficulty increases the more you play as more and more "idiots" will pull into your path more and more often.
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