Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
You have accidentally picked up a necklace that lets you travel through dimensions, but! with great powers come great.... enemies?
In this mobile game you have to run along a platform while avoiding obstacles, you're also trying to run away from the black shadow of the necklace who will do anything to destroy you! but do not be afraid as you have the powers to travel through two dimensions, the land and the dessert. You play as the hooded person that can flip through the two dimensions making sure that the enemy doesn't catch up to you. As you pass through checkpoints the enemy becomes faster and bigger along with the obstacles that you need to tackle. You win by getting to the holy point where the shadow gets destroyed and the necklace purified.
Mechanics:jump and flip button
Target Audience: Kids/Teenagers, casual gamers that usually wait for time to pass by
Genre: Running Platformer
Platform: PC, Android phone, Apple IOS
Countries last! is a semi-idle territory building simulation game. The map of the game is the earth itself where the player start by picking the game difficulty which are first-world country(easy) such as America, Japan, Australia etc. or second-world country(medium) such as Russia, poland etc. or third-world countries(hard) Philippines etc. The goal of the game is to gather resources and trade with other countries, from then on you have the choice to turn your country into a military country that focuses on military power or a trading country that focuses on gathering resources or a neutral country with a bit of both power and resources. the difference between a military country and a trading country is that military countries aim to conquer all other countries through sheer force while trading countries aim to connect to other countries by generating trading paths building up relationships with other countries. This game allows future adds such as planets which then allows players not only to build up a country on earth but also to expand to other locations.
Platform: IOS, Android, PC
Target audience: Casual players that love resource gathering without having to focus on the game everytime because it runs in the background
Shell day is a game that revolves around the beach. Directly showing summer activities from beach volleyball to sand castle building. Shell day is a casual family-fun kind of game where the family is encouraged to play together. Shell day has a random-game system where nobody knows what game will show up. There is a wide range of gameplay available everytime the random button is pressed. These games include, beach volley ball, watermellon squashing, Beach soccer and more. The goal of the game is to build family time. One big question is that "why play this game when you can go to the beach?" The answer is simple, this game is focused on families that are quite busy and cannot find time to plan and travel to the beach. This game can also be played in birthday parties or reunions making it a good party setting for everyone.
Platform: Wii, Xbox kinect, PS camera-thingy
Casual, family-fun game
Target audience: Families that do not have enough time to plan and travel together to the beach.
Pixeltris has a gameplay mechanic same with kingdom hearts, hack and slash but there is a new mechanic in place. The player has a little bar that produces tetris pieces which must match the opponents piece in order to destroy them. If the player uses a different piece against an opponent the damage gets negated (can also produce a different effect), these are for the mini monsters that the player will face throughout their journey. For big bosses they have a long bar of already accumulated tetris pieces(like in the normal tetris game) which players need to use their wits and skills to destroy, There are two classes the player can choose from, a gunner or a swordsperson each has a special skill that allows them to destroy tetris pieces where the more there are the more damage they produce. This game is about bringing combos together to produce the best damage possible it is also a very story rich game which will show the player about the world of pixeltris.
basically this game is a mix of tetris and kingdomhearts
its 1980 and the human race has succeded in making revolutionary robots. Whose whom can do human work from simple house jobs to industry work. As the time progresses the robots starts to show conscience, theyre starting to become self aware and your job is to stop this. In Robots must die! you play as an old janitor, you must drop water baloons on top of the robots to make them wet and destroy them. Robots must die is a casual VR game where the player uses the controllers to control where the balloons will get dropped. This game will practise peoples depth perception and timing. as the game progresses different robots appear, some become faster, others become stronger and even deflect and shoot the water balloons back at you.
Console: VR
Casual game
This game has been inspired by one of the characters in the popular multi player online first person shooter game, Overwatch. In this game you play as a pest killer where you need to kill wasps but save the bees because it works that way. This game will be played in mobile games because of the nature of the game which is that the bees and wasps enter the screen, after a set amount of time every thing slows down and red rings around the bugs appear which slowly become smaller. When the rings become skulls the player must tap on all the rings in succession killing all the wasps, if the player kills any bees in the process the player loses points. As the player progresses the game becomes hared as there will be more bugs on the screen and we all know its hard to distinguish between the good ol bees to the evil wasps.
Platform: IOS, Android
Casual tapping game
People love to run, but running can become a boring thing once in a while. Dasherino gambino is a game that uses the power of both virtual reality and actual objects to make running more fun. By adding special effects like in mario, the player will have to survive virtual objects while running. This game can be both played using HTC VR, etc. or a smart phones VR camera where the player sees the world from the cameras screen while the phone adds objects onto it.
Platform: IOS, Android, HTC VR
This game is for sporty people that cannot find the time to go outside due to busy schedules
In this game you play as a pipeman, you must delay the water before it goes to its designated area. to do so you must figure out a solution to the puzzles that are given to you in a form of linear patterns. If you do not delay the water it will end up going to early and make your customers angry.
platform: IOS ANDROID
casual game
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There is a hundred year war between the rice clan, noodle warriors and the bread empire. Each faction has been trying to get to the top and wants to claim to be the best carbohydrate in the world. In this game you choose which faction you want to assist. As the best champion in the faction that you chose you need to defeat the other factions by stealing their food and then transforming it to yours. So for example you choose to be the rice clan, you must steal noodles and bread then turn them into rice which then increases the amount of food that you have. The more food you come the more people joins your faction which lets you gain more recruits to increase your military power. For the actual game mechanics, you infiltrate the enemy base in a 3rd person view. you try not to be seen by the enemy sentries and guards until you get to their kitchen where they keep all their food. once you get there you must bring the food back to where you started without being seen. you can stun and disable enemies while infiltrating but you need to hide the bodies because if the enemy sees their comrade then you are in big trouble.
Platform: IOS, android, PC, consoles.
You are an game development student, you have just started school and one of your projects is to come up with a game EVERY SINGLE DAY, they cannot be repeated and must be of your own idea. though it can be inspired from another game. now you are worrying about what to do because you are starting to run out of ideas. So you decided to do something about it because your grades literally depend on it. You went home and dug up your old stash of games. the retro box.
In this game the goal is to play a game every day at real time. With the retro game box that you had from your uncle who was an avid gamer back in his days. By playing a game every day you create a streak, your score depends on the streak that you get which is as follows:
Games played: Grade:
50 or more A+
40-49 A
30- 39 B
20-29 C
19-below D
The more streaks you get the more points you get to unlock more games to play.
Platform: PC,IOS,ANDROID,Consoles (games will vary depending on the platform)
Target audience: Everyone
*Any relation to real life in conincidental(not)
We all love casual tapping on our phone to relieve stress but tapping games usually make us more stressed when we cannot beat the game. In this game all you have to do is to tap as much as you can within the time limit. There is no losing or winning, just a stress free environment though be careful not to break your phone's screen. This game will have features that allow the player to choose what background they want to have, from a cute bubble wrap to their bosse's ugly face. there are also modes where you can play the traditional tapping rhythm game.
The main focus of this game is to become a anger-management therapy, allowing stressed people to release their anger instead of bottling it in or hitting someone else. To release stress just by doing a rapid tapping movement using their fingers. Not only this game can be used as a therapy it can be also used as a time-wasting casual game. something to play while waiting for the bus or train etc.
Casual-tapping game
IOS, Android
This game has been inspired by fruit ninja, basically in this game you play as a man with phobia of clowns. You pop balloons that the clown throws at you and the aim of this game is to survive for a certain amount of minutes. you tap on the balloons coming your way to pop them, some have traps in them and some replenish your time and life.
Fast-paced casual game
platform: IOS, android
In this endless casual game you need to make the librarian angry without getting caught. You do so by flipping books on the ground while making sure that the librarian doesnt notice you. The more books you flip the more points you get, If you get caught you will have to start over again.
Platform: IOS, android
casual game.
You work in an office environment, you thought it will be a quiet and casual cruise but your co-workers are annoying noisy. This game is like another version of whack-amole where you hit popping objects but this time you hit your co-workers BUT! be careful not to hit your boss or you might get fired!!
Platform: android, ios
target audience: casual players
Thumbling wrestle is a mixed game of thumb wrestling and bop it ( The player must do the action dictated by the game in order to win and it gets faster over time. The player can be versing an ai or another player in multiplayer mode. Gestures can range from shake it, spin it, tap it etc. There is adventure mode where the player goes on an adventure with each progression getting hard and harder. The player can also score in the leaderboard when playing against real people to find the best player in the world.
platform: IOS, Android
Target audience: casual players
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This can be played with 2 or more players. Each player gets one D20 dice and two D6 dices, to determine who starts,each players rolls a dice and who ever gets the highest roll starts. To start off a round, all the players must roll their D20 dice to determine their starting point. At every turn each players can try to hit their dice or the enemy's dice to change the set point using a D6. What ever the D6 rolls will be written down in paper and these numbers will be added to the final point based on who rolled what number. After 5 rounds all the numbers that each players rolled will be added (example player 1 rolled 5 +2+1+4+3 then he got 15 which will be added to what ever their D20 dice is faced up).
Number of players: 2 and up
Mechanic: dice rolling and hitting
Platform: Board game
There is a birthday party across the road, they are supposed to have a clown coming. Your friend texted you and he was actually supposed to be the clown but he had diarrhea and cannot come over, he then asked you to do it for him.
In this game you play as the clown, there is a list of jokes on the screen that you can choose from and every time you make a joke a applause-o-meter is filled up depending on how good the joke is. The aim of the game is to get the highest amount for the applause-o-meter to get paid more.
Platform: PC, android, IOS
Target audience: General audience
This game is your traditional battle ship game where its a battle between two players, each guessing where the enemy is in a board to try and sink their ship BUT theres a twist! Each player choose between robots, ninjas or pirates but cannot be the same. The game consists of heavy role playing to add more fun. There are also random events of natural disasters depending on the location of the game (the players can choose this between land, sea or air). The natural disasters are chosen using a dice where each number correspond to different disasters that have different area of effects affecting both sides.
Platform: Board game
Number of players: 2
Mechanics: Guessing game and random chance.
The victim and the suspect is inside the court and so are you. They are about to say their statements and you need to make sure that everything is on paper to see whether they are making stories up or not. inspired by the game phoenix wright, you must retype what you hear for this will show who the real suspect and victim is. This game will test your hearing and typing ability,
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Mechanic: listening(best done using headphones or earphones), typing.
Target audience: Young adults
Aim: To practise both typing and listening skills
Platform: PC masterrace
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you are a youtube star who has already acknowledged fame and riches but a new star is emerging. the viners! You must make new videos and upload them to gain more popularity while making their internet lag so they cannot upload though you must be careful! cops can track you down and the lag can backfire.
mechanics: you decide when to send 'lag' by looking at the cop-o-meter and you must pick which lag to send in, greater lag means higher chance of it backfiring
target market: 13 - 16 year olds
platform: Consoles, ios, android
You have just got home from work, being super tired from your annoying boss you try to sleep but you cant. Your child is playing his games down strairs screaming and shouting as he throw his games around. You go down to tell him off but as you step at the end of the stairs you hear something crunch, its his collections of games scattered throughout the whole living room. You, as the mother, gets really angry and decided to pick all of his games up and try throwing it to the bin but he stops you. of course even though hes a complete idiot you still love your son so you make a deal with him, you play games with him and everytime you win you get to destroy the game you just played with him.
In this game you play as the mother who is very annoyed at the huge collection of games of her son. you need to beat him at his games in order to be able to destroy them but your son keeps on buying games so you need to keep winning and keep playing so your sons games will not be covering the whole living room floor. The games that you battle your son with will differ everytime, it can be a shooting game, puzzle games and so on.
mechanics: You play the games with your son, if you win you can decide whether you throw the game out or keep it.
Platform: PC, IOS, Andoid, ps4, xbox
Target audience: All ages
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