Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Finished the piece!
The Kirby Poison copy is real,but the Hydra design is completely based on one of the Devil Fruit powers from the manga One Piece, The Doku Doku (Venom Venom) Fruit!
Is this an actual Kirby Copy Ability? If not, it is still quite a cool design! I am not familiar with all the Copy powers in the newer Kirby games.
A crossover piece I did with Avengedog's characters! Fully based on the color spread of One Piece, Chapter 160!
joined 3,284 days ago
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The Kirby Poison copy is real,but the Hydra design is completely based on one of the Devil Fruit powers from the manga One Piece, The Doku Doku (Venom Venom) Fruit!
Is this an actual Kirby Copy Ability? If not, it is still quite a cool design! I am not familiar with all the Copy powers in the newer Kirby games.