Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Considering that this was the very first thing I drew with the tablet while getting used to it, that I haven't drawn seriously in over 10 years, and that I was never good with facial features... I'm pretty happy. (Even though her upper eyelashes kinda look like deer antlers.) I'm sure there's a bunch of errors, though, so please point them out so I can improve in the future! (And I'll also admit that I was following other examples because I can't freehand yet.) EDIT: I know her eye is kinda huge compared to everything else. I was originally just drawing features and then decided to throw some of them together like a Mr. Potato Head.
I'm back! :O
I won't be able to daily draw for a couple of weeks (at least), but I have a better tablet, brushes, and I'm following some tutorials by Ctrl + Paint so that I can learn!
So far, I'm pretty happy. The tutorials have taught me a lot in just a few videos. I'm probably going to redo the purple toned leaves, but I'm really happy with the two on the top right. As always, tips are super appreciated! :D
Decided to start over with some different brushes. I didn't like the ones I used yesterday (eye on right). They weren't bad, but they didn't really have the texture of a pencil. This brush set is definitely rougher so far. Will update as it progresses. Feedback always welcomed.
2nd upload edit: Now I think I'm going backwards rather than forwards, haha. I might just call it a day.
Can I still call it day 5 if I went MIA for a while? :P Since the sketch of the eye was my weakest link last time, I decided to follow a tutorial and give it another go. I didn't have enough time to finish it, but there's already a huge difference. As always, comments/criticisms welcome. :)
I spent maybe 30 minutes on this, haha. My day did not go according to plan, but that's okay. Just wanted to get something out there for my daily submission. Had a watercolor tattoo idea a while back but wanted to sketch it out and see what I thought. I really only had the opportunity to figure out general colors. I'll have to go in later and totally rework this - add different birds and more of them, less colors, actually make it look like a watercolor instead of just a gradient, etc - but I think it'll look pretty snazzy.
Decided to try something different (which I'll probably be doing a lot) and go for more cartoon-y features this time. Robert here is having what the adults would call a "Monday". Ideally, he'd be a full character with a scene, rather than just a "flat" looking floating head. Time will tell if that happens or not. Will update this as Robert grows. Criticisms/tips are always welcomed.
I followed this tutorial for his face. Would've liked to do different hair, but hair is my worst enemy. Perhaps another time. Robert didn't turn out looking quite as cartoon-y as their example... maybe I didn't exaggerate the features enough?
Hi there. I'm Cassie. I'm 348 days late to this art party. I haven't done anything art related for over 10 years. I wanted to get back into it, but I kept brushing it off because of lame excuses like not having the time. So, I'm hoping this streak will help me commit to doing something every day, even if it's something silly, small, and in this case, using a childhood game as reference. Many thanks to Stephan for showing me this art streak!
joined 3,321 days ago
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@scottyjxx Don't make promises you can't keep. ;) Sure, I'll drop a link once it's finished! Have a few other articles in the way at the moment, but I'll tag you when it's ready!
Oh wow, I can promise I'll never get my hypothetical game making to a point where it goes to a convention. That's really rad, though! And if that article ever comes, you should share it here!
@scottyjxx Perhaps! I'd certainly love to help if I could. Currently all I know is from what little info I acquired through my brief community managing phase, and from hearing other devs talk about their trial and errors, haha. Though if you ever get far enough to showcase a game at a convention, I've got you covered! Had a friend recently showcase a game at PAX Aus and asked him and a handful of other devs what they learned. Haven't turned it into an article yet, but that'll come soon, hopefully.
Oh boy, don't worry about the talent part. I could send you some drawings from a few years ago. They're rough stuff. That part will work itself out.
And game dev!! Maybe one of these days I'll finally find time to try that, and you can be the one to give me an intro post with some advice!
@scottyjxx Hey Ash! Oooh! That's smart about the cyclops thing! I shall remember that in the future. Yeah, the lips are my favorite. Everything else becomes less so as you go up, haha.
I'm definitely going to have a peek at that book soon! Thank you for that recommendation. And yes, I'm definitely going to stick around for a while and see what comes from it. I've always been drawn to art, but just don't (currently?) have the talent. Not sure if that means I'll pick it up well or if I was just made to appreciate it, haha. The bigger picture at the moment is games dev - I have ideas and sometimes stories, but nothing else going for me. My boyfriend knows some programming, so it'd be neat if I could learn something that'd help us create my ideas into something more. If 2D art isn't working out, I'll switch back to 3D modelling. *shudders*
And don't be sorry for the advice - I'm so glad you provided me with tips and things! :) re: shy - me too. I'm terrible at reaching out (especially to people I don't know well)... but pretty great at talking to myself, haha.
Hi Cassie! First: This looks pretty good! The eyeball is giant, but pssshhhh, we all do that occasionally. (Pro tip: Next time, put the giant eyeball above the nose, and you'll get a proportionally correct cyclops.) The lips in particular look good!
You talking about recently getting back into drawing is so close to my own experience that I thought I'd share the things that helped me the most when I was in your position (almost...three years ago?) And so you can take what seems useful.
I'll start with a (very cheap) book recommendation. A book that helped me a ton, especially with getting from "Aggghhhh, I don't remember how to draw" to "Gee, I actually feel like I know some things" is "Fun With a Pencil" by Andrew Loomis. Looking it up real quick, the ebook version is $3 (in the US). There are also a ton of questionably legal pdf copies floating around the internet, from when the book was out of print and maybe even public domain. It's a really quick and simple and fun book that only took a couple weeks, give or take, to get through
Other than that, I'd encourage you to stick with the daily drawings for a good while! I was like you, not ever finding the time to draw (except for during high school/college classes.) I was also genuinely not sure this was gonna be my go-to hobby, but sticking with it daily has led me to greater skill, but also a greater certainty that this was a really awesome hobby, a thing that I really love and want to stick with for a good long while. So stick with it for a while, really find out if this is something you love, if not bail and find something else!
Anyway, it's always great to see a new face around here and new drawings. Sorry for the unsolicited advice. Don't listen to Stephan, we do sometimes talk around here :P Not super frequently, but I'm way shy, I don't know everyone else's excuse.