#596 Galvantula - body portions are a bit off

More submissions by zook for Daily Art Club

#665 Spewpa - torso is a bit thin and shifted, but otherwise okay.

#664 Scatterbug - head is a bit too narrow

#641 Tornadus (Therian Forme) - right leg is a bit off and wing size is a bit wonky, but not too terribl

#649 Genesect - got body off, missing lines for edges on plates. pretty fouled up.

#641 Tornadus (Incarnate Forme) - face is off, left arm is too small. meh.

#637 Volcarona - overall fairly happy. left bottom wing is off and lower torso is a bit long.

#635 Hydreigon - middle of the road. wings and arms are a bit too thin (especially hand faces), body a bit too round.

#623 Golurk - screwed up portions. pose is tricky and the tapered torso didn't help. still need to work on big, rounded shapes in general.

#642 Thundurus (Therian Forme) - overall happy, face was a bit off and chest is too narrow

#642 Thundurus (Incarnate Forme) - overall pretty happy. head + arm shape are slightly off, tail a bit mis-sized. but cloud worked out better than expected, along with face and overall portions.

#600 Klang - can't do concentric circles. like at all. the gear bits are also horribly spaced...

#539 Sawk - more cartoonish pose, generally pretty happy with 'im

#498 Tepig - portions are all out of whack, especially body. dunno how two circles can go so wrong

#646 Kyurem - basically only got the head right. angle was off and the whole body ended up contorted as a result. wings aren't as bad as feared.

#643 Reshiram - all kinds of messed up: weird face, smashed tailed, awkward leg positioning, screwy feathers.....not an epic legednary

#521 Unfezant - bird faces are also hard. body portions went pretty well though

#569 Garbodor - way too big of a "head" portion, right arm is a bit deflated, body turned out well

#644 Zekrom - really can't do lizard faces apparently. tail is a bit off, but otherwise fairly happy with pose / portions

#565 Carracosta - shell is off and left (from viewer) arm isn't bent right, but otherwise okay

#604 Eelektross - pretty happy with the overall shape; bit of the curve is off (especially around head)

Daily Art Club

Make art every day, how long can you last?

joined 3,652 days ago
