Submissions by Rick tagged exploration

10 ideas how gamification can improve daily life

  1. placing the alarm clock on the other side of the room and add additional feedback for turning it off -> make standing up a fun task
  2. create an app where you can only record 1s every day - the programm automatically cuts it together -> visualize growth and increase self-awareness
  3. a social platform to share progress on creating niches for little animals (flower fields, moss gardens) -> increase bio-diversity and life quality
  4. create a platform to explore upcoming artists -> help artists to start out
  5. similar to geocaching hide tiny secrets in areas extended by a narrative layer -> encouraging outside activities
  6. Real-time feedback on electricity usage by a counter on the wall -> encourage saving power
  7. create a tiny monster to introduce your biography -> make information interesting, lasting
  8. send postcards which show an area map including a red cross (hidden place) -> encourage outside activities
  9. use the Pomodoro method to chunk down your work into little 25min tasks with 5min breaks in between -> work focused, steady energy
  10. this streak itself has gamification elements: social feedback & sense of progress (also a clear goal to achieve) -> help you to make creative thinking a habit