Submissions by Will tagged sketch

Once again, I dropped the ball and didn't get to level design until very late today. That's just my own mangling of my daily schedule, though. That is to say, I just go with the flow and leave necessary tasks until the later hours, when I can still get distracted anyway.

Unlike last night, though, I took the time to sketch out a detailed plan of what I'm going to implement next. No editor work tonight; I'm late enough with this post as it is, and it's more important that I know what I'm doing before I do it. The wait time prior to implementation gives me an extra chance to mull over my choices, too.

Hopefully my sketching skills will improve as I do this more, but I'm pretty proud of what I have so far. Tomorrow you'll get to see how well I interpret this in the editor (I expect interesting building placement to be a challenge).

Along with jumping into design earlier in the day, I want to more consistently use the Pomodoro technique to block out my time, and maybe even start recording how much time I put into this (yay stats!). I've been using the technique loosely, only really obeying the timer part, but even in that form I still find it useful.

Sorry if you were expecting more about the level than the process, but I hope tonight's pages speak for themselves. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below, or contact me however you know me!