Submissions by saluk tagged cryptology

A submission for Make games. 114

More mybacklog work. Feel very close to a finish line. Game id hashes seem to work correctly, and every weird thing I try to do seems to act about how it should be expected to act. You can edit games, add games, and import games, and they update existing entries where possible, and create new entries where mergine the entries would be too dangerous/weird. The hash was definitely the way to go. Only thing I'm not thrilled by, is when the hash changes and all of the references have to be forcible updated. The algorithm there is quite inefficient. But who cares. It works fast enough on my 1300 entry database. If someone has enough games in their database to make it take a couple extra seconds to update an item every once in a while when a hash changes...... they have a bigger game addiction than I do!

But my time was cut short by my copy of Witcher 3 in the GoG galaxy client activating. Galaxy is still a bit new, and I can't launch games inside it from mybacklog yet. So I just ran it the old fashioned way.