Submissions by Nico tagged notagame

So my lack of submissions has mainly been due to studying for exams, but in my study breaks today I put what I've learned so far about parsers to work to make a little toy interpreter, its messy, it interprets during the parse (bad), and its not a game (I want a way to have this streak include code projects but maybe then it'd be too general, I'd like suggestions on that if anyone cares).

But this is a sample input file that will successfully parse and interpret (yes, this is all the logic, there is no maths or anything, and those are actually string values)

edit: made a motivation booster in my toy language lol:

note = what_game_are_you_working_on
print note
input game
rightchoice = false
choice = blank
if game = hta rightchoice = true end
if game = heavier_than_ait rightchoice = true end
if rightchoice = true
    note = good_now_get_back_to_work
    print note
    note = what_the_hell_are_you_doing_get_the____back_to_work
    print note
    note = are_you_back_working_on_it_yet
    print note
    input choice 
    if choice = y choice = Y end
    if choice = yes choice = Y end
    if choice = Y
        note = lucky_bastard_now_youre_not_getting_smacked
        print note
        note = knock_knock
        print note
        note = im_gonna_smack_you
        print note