Submissions by Metachained tagged virtual-economy

Animation Character Archive Socials -

AniArchive is an extension to our marketing and promotional efforts. We are taking baby steps towards something incredible in the future with zero risk, zero investment and zero funds.

Some of the things we are doing for this include:

  • Write a song, description or outline of a character or related story.
  • Create a sprite animation, character sketches or illustration art.
  • Post a video, voice recording, promotional media or creative writing.

While this is a daily challenge for us to quickly learn new skills, we have a lot of content to share in the future. These challenges won't be shared publicly but it's a start as it's an ongoing process, and we want to show off our best work when we're ready.

I make animations, games, stories to eleviate some of the stress in our everyday lives, make us think a little about the consequences of our actions, motivate us to take action and be proactive, to educate, to inform and most importantly to encourage ourselves to reach out to others in need of help.

I want to inspire and to horrify you, with the help of others that I trust and who want to reach out to us so that they can also collaborate on these same projects that inspire me.

The purpose of the Character Animation Archive is to take baby steps towards telling a larger more enjoyable, more complex and more interesting story than you'll find in any game. The emotional weight and impact of a song or side story condensed into 1 minute to 3 minute chunks, they can be in the style of a visual novel, character intro or concept video to give a general idea.

The end result will be something familiar to you, in the style of a visual novel piecing together stories, mysteries and characters across a broad spectrum of topics ranging from romance to horror, from science fiction to alternative fantasy.

We hope that you'll enjoy your stay here and join the Light Side Legend Project with us by participating in the journey with us. As such I hope you find the answers you are looking for.

We all struggle to find our path in life but it's those that never struggle that fail to take a step forward.

When on the weekend I will still do little updates, these will be no more than 5 lines or a list of action items I will do over the following week.

I've started a character a day art + writing challenge.
Every day I will learn something new in rust, bevy or functional programming.
I will create an input system that manages and displays script files.
create an example project and talk about the process in a dev log.
downloadable test build released by Wednesday 23rd - Friday 25th.


MCXStack is a development library and API for player-driven real-time virtual worlds and creation of shared worlds on blockchain, a constantly evolving, dynamic and fun investment platform built for testing and deployment of maps, characters, stories and interactive narrative game worlds. It is maintained and built in the Rust programming language. Extensible with the Bevy Game Engine and Web Assembly GUI and optimized for portability, immutability and blockchain development.

Metachained Shards ($MCXS) is the universal currency for Metachained Stack development. It will be made available upon further testing. You can find out more at: What is Metachained Game Studio? and learn more about the ecosystem at Web Development in Django.


Developing an application workflow for a smarter autonomous virtual economy.


  • The Metaverse has splintered and shattered across time and space, bringing into existence unlimited possibilities and creativity.
  • Participate in a play, create and shared worlds oriented ecosystem.
  • Join the Metaverse, an interconnected multiverse that allows users to generate real-time content creation in a virtual economy, creating your virtual business has never been simpler.
  • You can start contributing to the testing efforts today by joining the discord.
