Submissions by Isiah Ng tagged mobile

Platform: Mobile

Genre: Simulator

Demographic: ESRB Everyone. It's a game design for all ages and especially for persons who loves to bake. I designed this game for people like my girlfriend who doesn't own a pc or console, but loves the idea of be baking at all time. This game is inspired and tv shows like Sugar Rush and Nailed it.

Description: As the title says, it would be a baking simulator, in which you would be in a bakery with all the necessary ingredients to bake whichever recipe you have in mind. The game would be design behind the idea to be as real as posible so people could actually learn the basic of bakery from the game. The game would have recipes, but if you one to create and name your own creation, you would be able to do so. And the game would feature to modes: free bake mode, in which you can make the recipe without a timer, and speed run in which the game would give you a picture of a cake or dessert and you would have a time limite to create it. In the speed mode you can upload your result to the game and compare it with everyone else.

Gameplay: The game would be play in first person, and with the touchscreen of the cellphone, you can pick the objects and control them to make the recipes. The game will be design for the physics to be as precise as possible for the player to create the way they want their recipes. But it will have it skills ceiling since a mistake can make a mess in the bakery or even burn it down all together.


Credit: Nailed it

Genero: Humor negro, Horror psicológico.

Plataforma: Android, iOS.

Demografía: Mayores de 18 años.

Descripción del juego: Eres el creador de "Memes" mas popular del mundo, en todas las redes sociales. Deberás de crear contenido para cada una de las plataformas sociales, y obtener mas subscriptores.
El jugador introducirá sus datos en el juego, el cual realizara un análisis de sus redes sociales para determinar su perfil psicológico (likes, búsquedas, etc...) y así proporcionarle las herramientas para crear "Memes" acorde a la personalidad del jugador. Para su jugabilidad sera como utilizar herramientas de edición de imágenes y vídeos ya existente en celular, pero el juego le proporcionara la información con la cual crear los "Memes".
Sin embargo detrás de cada "Memes" se oculta una realidad que se vive en el mundo y en nuestras sociedad. A medida que se avanza en el juego observamos como cada vez mas se desciende a la locura y horrores que se esconden dentro de las redes sociales y sus "Memes".

Creditos para "Knife Party"

Imagen de Mematic