Submissions by Isiah Ng tagged comedy

Genre: Graphic adventure, dark comedy, puzzle.

Platform: PS4, XboxOne, PC.

Demographic: ESRB Mature. It's a game for people who likes to focus on stories and less on gameplay, and love dark humor. It will be a retelling of the "Divine Comedy" so any fan of the poem will enjoy the story.

Description: It's a dark comedy game based on the famous poem by Dante Alighieri, the "Divine Comedy". The game will be a retelling of the poem on present day. It follows our main character Dante, who is a widower. His late wife Beatrice died on christmas eve on a car accident, now dante is suffering from depression and having suicidal thoughts. But moments before he commit suicide, he is stopped by Virgil his dog from childhood, which by the way can talk. Virgil tell Dante, that he must save Beatrice soul from Luficer and cleanse her, by going through purgatory and all the way up to paradise. But it won't be an easy journey, since Dante will have to fight his inner demons and those that were close to him. The game will be divide in 3 episodes, each one featuring a theme.

Gameplay: It will feature a simple gameplay accesible for everyone. Much of it will be controlling dante from a third person perspective, and interacting with the environment and solving puzzle to advance through the game. Also as the game progress the player will have the choice to make multiple decisions, which will affect the outcome of the story.


Credit: Representation of dante going through purgatory (Imagen from the videogame Journey)