Submissions by Derek tagged platformer

Genre: Horror, Adventure, Platformer
Platforms: Switch, Xbox, PC
Target Audience: Considering its horror based, then at least people that are 18 years old should be good, along with any horror fans.
Age target: 18+
Game Description: Delta, a Star apprentice and future witch, has fallen into a world where nightmares lurk in every corner of it. Proceed with caution.
The main objective of the game is to adventure through the world of nightmares as Delta the Star Witch, and free it from the horrors within the place.
For Gameplay you’ll end up in dark areas, where only shadows of you and the creatures are around, the witch can cast spells to make nightmares disappear, destroy, or even scare away, depending on the creature. Each nightmare is also unique depending on the color, red are always the blood hungry ones, orange ones can be tamed and so on.
The Nightmare world also has a rare time with jump scares, along with a horrid game over. Certain nightmares will do those kinds of jump scares, ones are also instant death, like the Dark Purple ones.
Music: Nightmarish theme, like the following:
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Plataforma: Switch, Steam
Género: Plataforma, Aventura, Fantasía
Edad objetivo: 12 años o más.
El juego está basado en Balan Wonderland, este juego tuvo tantos problemas, con el ejemplo de una mecánica tediosa y la necesidad de saber más cosas sobre su tradición, ya que parece que no hay diálogo durante las escenas. Este juego arreglará su mecánica mientras agrega cosas originales, además de expandirlo.
Descripción del juego: Estabas teniendo bastantes problemas cuando se trataba de dificultades, pero parece que una persona misteriosa vino del espacio exterior, ella parece pedirte ayuda, y aceptas, entrando en un planeta muy diferente, donde la magia se usa mejor. Terminaste recibiendo ese tratamiento también como aprendiz, pero ¿serás capaz de manejar los peligros del lado oscuro del planeta y dominar toda la magia?
Objetivo: El objetivo principal de este juego es aprender cada tipo de magia en este mundo y liberar a otros de sus propias dificultades después de transformarse en bestias. Mientras también aprendes sobre magia, deberás ayudar a la niña bruja que te envió aquí, se llama Delta, que necesita los starbits que están alrededor del planeta, ya que la mayoría escapó de su hogar.
Gameplay y mecánicas: Primero crearás tu personaje como podría ser un mago, explorarás diferentes áreas con Delta para encontrar puntos y esferas mágicos, junto con los starbits que faltan. Mientras exploras, habrá enemigos alrededor, algunos podrían ser pequeños limos (que no hacen nada), mini caballeros corruptos (que cargan contra ti) e incluso magos (que dispararán magia dependiendo de su color).
Tu personaje de mago crecerá cuantos más puntos mágicos recolectes, al principio harás una sola explosión de energía. Más adelante podrás aprender movimientos elementales y levitar, bueno por tiempo limitado para este último. Los movimientos elementales pueden ser fuego, que te rodea para dañar a los enemigos cercanos; agua para sanar y chispa para disparar rayos de electricidad.
Hay más hechizos, pero por ahora eso es todo lo que puedo decir sobre.
Música: Podría ser más fantasioso, aunque también mágico a veces, como la siguiente melodía.

Genre: Racing, Platformer
Platforms: Switch, PC, PS5, XBOX
Target Audience: This is for those who were with the Toys-to-Life genre.
Age target: 13+
The inspiration comes from Skylanders Superchargers, although both it and Imaginators suffered after Trap Team, so while it’s kind of bad on its own, I want to try to make my own spin adding stuff with it, maybe even have a selection from different original characters.
Game Description: It’s been years since we ever heard from other universes, but races were starting to get popular in this time of day, though with bringing good attention, it brought up the wrong kind as well, a familiar presence looms over, and a young droid will go into saving the islands.
The Starter pack will have the following: The Game, a special rift-like USB Portal to put the Interactive toys in, the Droid podium toy, a custom podium, and another character podium, which is a shadow elemental. It will also include the Droid’s signature vehicle, The Soul droid jet.
The Main Objective here is via racing rounds and travelling around the islands of a futuristic setting, while the Droid (Known as META-Soul) is your main character that you’ll need for most of the adventure, the other player can get different character podiums, which could be either be sold separately or used on the custom podium if you got said character unlocked in game.

You’ll adventure with META-Soul and their partner around said future islands to solve the mystery surrounding the new presence, which brought terror and darkness to innocent folk and new enemies that weren’t connected to their world. While you adventure, you’ll find gears as the main currency, Internal Gears are special which let you enter the boss fights. Enemies here act different, it’s between enemy robots (which fire elemental moves) or new corrupted ones (they use melee weaponry and sometimes new powers), Boss fights will always be a Mechanical Machine that was activated by darkness, each is different, it can throw saws, shoot out flamethrowers, or even make it rain down acid.
For the Racing parts, it happens during some island, once or twice per island. You have to race to the finish line to solidify your final results, otherwise it’ll cripple you badly. In racing there are no such thing as special items, but there are moving boost pads and obstacles that you need to be careful of, all races consist of 3 laps as well. All vehicles are airborne too, speaking of which, having META-Soul with its Soul Vehicle, the Soul Droid Jet, it’ll cause it to go beyond its limits, having a special coat and new design in game, along with boosts
Music: Techno-like or music that fits a futuristic feeling, like this one:
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