I would personally wear headphones to listen to this one, due to the lyrical content (referencing the torture scene from casino royale). If the mods or site owners have an issue with the lyrics I will make a clean edit but I promise the edit, too, will be memey.
Outside of this streak this week, I have been working on a cover of a Louis Cole song. However, trying to figure out good and NEW chord voicings (as opposed to just copying his voicings note for note) was hell. So I decided to use my weekly beat to practice jazz chord voicings so I may suffer less next time I want to learn a jazzy song. As a result, this week is more an exercise than a song, just some disjointed phrases. I did put it to lyrics though, with a vocal synthesiser. this was mainly just to motivate me to actually finish it, by having something kind of jokey and silly in my score while i was working on it, but i think it also did direct the chords and voicings somewhat. so that was pretty fun!
I think alternating between simpler pieces with busier arrangements and smaller but more planned compositions is working quite well in terms of allowing me to practice both and not get burnt out on either, but I won't hold myself to a rigid schedule with this.
This has truly been a creative wellspring of a challenge and it has been a joy to tune into everyone's tracks every week. Even if I only make these four pieces, I am now on track to compose more music this year than ever in my life. Thank you :)