Please consider listening with headphones as there is some swearing in the lyrics. As previously, I would be happy to replace with a clean version if required by the moderators or site admins.
This one is super close to the edge on the weekly deadline. I actually started making an entirely different track at the start of the week, became frustrated with the process of the sound design for that track... recorded demo vocals for this one on an impulse since I had just finished writing them. Those are still the vocals in the track because I had no time to rerecord with my proper setup. I had originally hoped to do some kind of... screamed vocals which I could not hope to sing in the middle of the night on a school night.
SO MUCH tweaking I wish I could do, if not for the terms of the challenge. But for now, I'm pretty happy with the overall vibe, even if it's rough around the edges.
Though this is a song about chronic insomnia and the general (gestures vaguely) of the world right now, this has truly been a helpful challenge in allowing me to channel my sleepless nights into better things. :)