Morning weight: 145.8lb
#Sumo Deadlift
#Deficit Deadlift
Sumo Deadlift Vol: 19,225lb
Deficit Deadlift Vol: 5,400
Total deadlift vol: 24,625lb
Morning weight: 145.6lb
Still working on the Sumo form. Trying to fix the upper back rounding problem. I think it got better as the sets progress... Training videos.
Sumo Deadlift Vol: 31,325lb Sumo INOL: 3.801343849
Morning weight: 144.2lb
Mainly working on sumo form today. So, I'm going for lighter weight and lower reps but a lot more volume. This ensure that I can (at least try to) execute the proper movement without my form breaking down too much. Here is the workout session.
Sumo Vol: 22,575 lb