Submissions by Christopher.Stagg tagged psycological

Genre: Psychological, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Horror.

Platform: PC.

Target Audience: Suitable for ages 21 to 37.

Game Description:
What would be a great adventure in the mountains quickly turned into a nightmare. You and some friends decided to go exploring and camping in the mountains in an unexplored area with a reputation for alien sightings. The first day you entered the thick forest on the side of the mountains and raised the camp ... without being really prepared for what awaited you. The first night one of the explorers disappeared mysteriously, you and 2 friends are armed with courage and went to look for it and discover a ghost town in the middle of the forest, suddenly you hear the cries of the disappeared man along with the grunts of a kind of creature without being able to decipher what creature it was, you follow the sound and you know that truth is found on the other side of the corner but not everyone wants to know the truth.
The gameplay is as follows, the player will have to solve a series of puzzles and riddles to get out of certain situations, as it reaches more advanced levels the difficulty will become more difficult. You will have certain items that you can store in your backpack, be it a flashlight, a weapon, door keys, etc.

Music: (Godzilla 1998 - Opening Titles)

Credit: (The Promised Neverland) (Slenderman)