Submissions by Bluedragon tagged arcade

Gender: Shooter, Arcade, Ground war, Quick game, 3D, Colorful, Multiplayer, Cooperative

Platform: Nintendo Switch & Playstation 4

Target Audience: This is created for those people who loves Gummy Bears, but now Its a bit different, their are getting into a warfare and putting themself in hostile territories in maps made of sugar and a lot of cute stuff. The point of the game is all made of candy and cuteness. This is all about having fun. For 7 years old or above of it.

Game Description: The game itself it's gonna have a campaign of 8 chapters explaining the problem of the war, a cooperative mode where you can invite friends to do the campaign not alone and the multiplayer.

The campaign its going to have a history explaining why acid gummy bears are attacked Cotton Candy Land. Your mission here is pass though all chapters and defeat the final boss is on chapter 8.

Details: When your character dies nearby an ally it will put you in the nearest gummy bear for fast action but be careful, you have a limit of lives depending on the difficult you put at. the point of fast action is that, it never stops, taking about nearest gummy bear, you maybe ask... How the sistem will know that i'm gonna die and i need get my AI into another NPC?.
You will have a gummy bear following you behind you like your partner. and how does that affect in co-op?. when you or your friend die it will appear a bear in a spaceship out of the knowhere and put another gummy bear.

In the way you complete levels, you will be gaining points for purchase of more weapons, hand grenades and more interest stuff.

In the controls you will shoot with upper-side buttons ( R1 - Aim R2 ) and for the movement simple, just use the left joystick and the right one for camera rotation. some other buttons can do an interactive move for multiplayer like... dancing, wave, or laugh.

The difficulty will appear in the screen at the moment you choose new game, each levels will be Easy - Medium - Hard

For multiplayer selection, you don't choose the side or the character. The system will automatically select for you gummy side. The only thing you can choose is the type of gummy bear you want to be, for example: Tank, Medic, Assault, Suicide boomer, or the classic ninja.

The playlist are going to be like those candy shop background musics.

Genero: PvP, Cartoon, Arcade, Aim & shoot, Estrategia, 2D.

Audiencia: Para jugadores que le gustan tirarse objetos de sitio en sitio, es mas bien un juego donde te tiras cualquier cosa ( nada ofensivo ) y generalmente pasar tiempo entre amigos.

Objetivos: la descripción del juego es arrojarse basura, recogerla y tirársela al vecino mientras tu esposa saca basura del personaje al patio, tu misión es tirar una cantidad de basura hasta un puntaje de 30 por cada objeto que hallas tirado, si el usuario acierta que el objeto le pege al vecino o rival dara un knock out ( este consistirá de 5 vidas, una vida se removera si el acierta el golpe )

tendrá escenarios coloridos, llenos de vida y sera totalmente adaptable para niños y jóvenes.

Sera un juego caricaturesco, los personajes y fondo serán 2D y todo se llevara acabo en una misma plataforma pero en diferentes escenarios contando dia y noche, diferentes patios, diferentes objetos.

Generalmente el propósito del juego solo sera para diversion.

Tendra 3 modos de juegos

  • Tu contra la computadora
  • Local ( 1v1 )
  • Tu contra otra personas

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