Submissions by Angel Mejia tagged rpg

Genre: RPG, Visual Novel, Psychological Terror
Platform: PC & Console

Target Audience: People who are interested in liminal spaces.

Game Description: Have you ever had a familiar dream, a dream you never want to leave, or have weird nostalgia looking at empty malls that were crowded in your childhood?.

Maybe not but anyways, in LIMINAL DREAMS you travel across the main character's dreams in a journey of self knowing and acceptance.

Your goal is to make it to the Somnia Castle, a place of healing you think can help you get over your problem.

Dreams are dangerous, some monsters appear to try to wake you up, but somehow you can fight them using rpg combat.

Explore your childhood home, a empty parking lot, some dead mall in the middle of nowhere, a very intimidating house, a infinite office complex, and more.
Meet interesting characters, like a lost Angel who need to find their way to home, a dog who lost his owner or like a mysterious wizard who asks you for money only to come back many hours later in the game to reward you for your kindness or to punish you with a boss battle.
Don't try to understand this game, like dreams, it doesn't make sense, is just a weird journey.

Example of the concept:
Credit: YouTube - Baphomet Kun (trigger-weird stuff warning)

Genre: Casual, RPG
Platform: Mobile (Android, IOS, Nintendo Switch)

Target Audience: Pokemon, tamagotchi and WarioWare fans.

Game Description: GHOSTLINES is a mobile game where you collect ghosts and take care of them, you can explore the map and get in Ghost battles, in ghost battles you select an attack to be performed, but before attacking you need to play a minigame against your opponent, if you win you get to attack, if not your opponent attacks! you definetly can lose by losing all the minigames so be careful before getting into a fight.

-Every ghost has an unique ability and attacks that you can use to your advantage.
-You can take care of them by feeding them items that you find all across the map, making them transform.
-Every ghost has a backstory of how they turned into ghost.

The artstyle will be very cel shaded, like pokemon, and has painted environment like ghibli movies.

Pic: Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale by Level 5

Género: Cartas, FPS.

Plataforma: Consola y PC

Demográfica: jugadores de juegos de cartas casuales (slay the spire o pokemon tcg), jóvenes de 13 hacia arriba y fans de juegos FPS competitivos como overwatch o valorant

Descripción del juego: CARDBENDER es un juego de cartas en donde no hay turnos y tienes movimiento libre por todo el estadio, usas cartas para defenderte o atacar a tus enemigos, recibes cartas de forma aleatoria así que necesitas planear cuándo usar una carta en el momento más apropiado.

Tipos de cartas:
-Proyectil: Son unas de las cartas más importantes del juego, te permiten infligir daño a distancia, algunas disparan más rápido y otras más lento pero hacen más daño.

-Arma cuerpo a cuerpo: Estas cartas infligen daño a corta distancia y son muy efectivas, funcionan muy bien en conjunto con cartas pasivas.

-Equipo: Estas cartas son pasivas y se pueden usar junto a proyectiles y armas. principalmente son escudos y armaduras, que protegen al usuario de proyectiles y golpes cuerpo a cuerpo

-Aliado: Estas cartas invocan un monstruo aliado para atacar a tu enemigo, algunos monstruos usan ataques cuerpo a cuerpo y otros lanzan proyectiles.

Gana el jugador que reduzca totalmente la salud del oponente.

créditos a mi por la imagen (pequeño proyecto en cuarentena de 2021)