Submissions by alistersoftware tagged delta-quadrant

Yay!! We've signed with a publisher, Back to Basics Gaming, to handle the marketing and PR for Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant, as well as our future titles.

Very excited, check out the blog post:

That's right! Our game, Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant is featured with 11 other great indie titles in the latest IndieGala bundle (which you can get here).

In our latest blog post, I mention that:

Thanks for your support!

This week, we updated Delta Quadrant to version 1.25. We added a few features based on the feedback from our players.

Read the blog post about it here:

Our first game, Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant, has finally been released on Steam! In our latest blog post, I talked about what a ride it's been:

We learned a lot from the whole experience, and I hope you can find something of use in our post as well.

Till next week!

The main platform you want your game on is obviously Steam, and to do that, you first need to get through the Greenlight process. For Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant I thought it was going to take us a year or more, but we did it in 46 days.

In our latest blog post, I explained just what we did to speed up the process - maybe it's something that can help you as well!

Read our latest post here:

Last week wasn't a very big game dev one. We mainly focused on getting Delta Quadrant Steam-ready, and the first hurdle we faced was updating it to Unity 5. We tried doing that a few month ago, but one of our main assets hasn't been updated to version 5 yet, so it would basically have meant we have to rewrite the whole UI for the game. Luckily, at the beginning of June the asset was finally updated, and the upgrade to Unity 5 went a lot smoother thank goodness.

As for Catch a Falling Star, not much game development went on, but I did mange to update our landing page for it - check it out here:

And, here's the blog post :)