Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
blagged about considering moving to bearblog
wrote about my commitment to learning in public
blagged about my experience with depression and my willingness to continue anyway in spite of feelings of inadequacy (thanks in part to some of luci's recent blag posts x3)
this week I blagged about my goals for this year
ok so I published it a day late, but this was my first post of 2025!:
this week instead of blogging I spent a bunch of time trying to do something I later found out was impossible to do and making a page to host all my old singing files on my site >w<;;; take a look:
added an anime and manga & light novel section to my website, basically a blog post >w<;;; right?
new blog post just rambling about post-therapy decisions to be made (or not made!)
blagged about skincare! (
I wrote this a few weeks ago but was waiting for a good opportunity to release it, and since we didn't have a theme for this week, BAM! here ya go lol
blag about sea creachers:
today i wrote about the manga shimeji simulation and surrealist art & media. i haven’t thought about art in a long time or doing art in a long time, at least, not seriously. thinking about this was fun and inspired me a little bit!!
my ninth ever blag post, i talked about therapy, some plans for the site, my concerns lately about my mood, etc. I took luci's advice and just talked about whatever I felt like...>w<
ok so I didn't blag but I am in the process of swapping ssgs to make blagging easier D:
I will try and update moar this week to compensate ;w;
i did the retrospring questionnaire I'd been putting off :D and blagged that
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