Submissions from 2018-10-30 to 2018-10-31 (6 total)

Gender: Horror, Suspense, Core
Platform: Playstation 4
Audience: For over 18 years, who likes horror.

History of the game:
It is based on the story of a devilish woman who lives in a house all abandoned inside the forest of the darkest swamps of Mississippi.
It all starts that you are a young man, called "Karl", who will inspect and find out what is inside the story of the black widow, the more you go into the dark swamp.
You will go with four companions of the town called Ana, Nicol, Mathew and Douglas, you will find many strange things, like people demonized by the black widow, with strange shapes in their face of total terror!

Game Description:
You will only use a weapon and a flashlight in case you are in total darkness, be very careful when encountering demonized people, you can hide yourself by means of shrubs, objects so that they do not see you. The objective is to find the black widow and face it, your companions will live it from the worst, use your weapon when necessary and do not waste the bullets because it is totally limited.

Cursor buttons: to change objects and use them.
Joystick L: to move from right and left, forward or backward.
X: to jump
Square: to bend over
Circle: to interact with people.
Triangle: to grab and load the weapon.
R2: to shoot the weapon.
L2: to use the flashlight.
Joystick R: to fix.

For the music, I’m thinking something like this:

Modo : Online
Audiencia: Mature, +15, para los amantes de los juegos de misterio, horror y paranormal,
Género: RPG, Suspenso, Aventura, Acción y Horror
Plataforma: Nintendo Switch, PS4

Es un juego en línea que te permite competir contra otros jugadores del mundo. Además, el escenario es en un mundo abierto adaptado al suspenso en 3D que consta de cinco lugares y en cada lugar se encuentran niños perdidos. El total de niños perdidos llega hasta 40.

El objetivo del juego es rescatar a cada niño como puedas manteniendolo a salvo. El grupo que mas niños rescate obtendrá un total de 70 monedas y por cada niño que cada miembro del grupo rescate, el usuario obtendrá 30 monedas de bonus.

Antes de comenzar a jugar en línea, saldrá un pequeño tutorial interactivo en el menú donde al realizar cualquier acción como por ejemplo atacar , saltar, o apuntar con un arma, saldrán subtítulos de como realizar cada una de ellas. Los puedes desactivar el tutorial si deseas.

En cada mundo el jugador tendrá que enfrentarse con los enemigos. Y en cada servidor, el numero de usuarios llega hasta 15.

Si quieres matar a cada enemigo, puedes desviarlos tirando cosas como piedras, botellas de vidrio, latas, tijeras, ect. hacia otra dirección para poder rescatar al niño o para matar a cada enemigo. Los niños seguirán a cada personaje.

Las armas que el juego te proporcionará son un cuchillo, una pistola un machete y una linterna. Lo demás lo puedes comprar en línea como sedantes), tijeras, pistolas, municiones, katana, silenciador, crossbow, arcos, gas pimienta, ect. Además, durante el juego te puedes encontras otro tipo de armas o items como linternas, baterías, mas municiones, kit de primeros auxilios con municiones depende del mundo en que estes

Los cuatro lugares son en una granja maldita, un hospital embrujado (apareceran espectros de fantasmas pero no atacarán) , un pantano, y una feria abandonada. También, te toparás con el avatar de otros personajes del grupos contrarios pero no los puedes atacar.

Cada lugar tiene un enemigo en común. Por ejemplo, en la granja maldita hay zombies y el enemigo mas peligroso es un granjero asesino; en el pantano hay cuervos asesinos y brujas tapadas de negro; en el hospital embrujado, hay zombies de enfermeras asesinas y el asesino principal, un Y en la feria abandonada hay payasos asesinos.

El juego consta de hacer grupos de 5 usuarios con otros avatares del mismo servidor. Cada avatar del mismo grupo tiene una pequeña bandera encíma del mismo color para saber quienes son tus compañeros. Y Al presionar el avatar aparecerá un ícono de + que es el de unirse y el que recibe la propuesta puede libremente aceptar o rechazar y puedes competir solo contra los demás grupos depende de la cantidad de jugadores o como quieras. Si por maldad, ningun miembro te acepta, entonces pueder irte a otro servidor también.

Si deseas interactuar con el grupo del que estas unido, puedes usar el micrófono del Nintendo Switch. Para eso, presiona la tecla x. Y para salirse de las conversaciones por el micrófono , presiona x devuelta teniendo la opción de seguir jugando.Por último, puedes aceptar solicitudes de amistad y chatear con ellos en la mensajería del juego o en Nintendo Network.


Left stick para moverse y caminar
A para correr
Y para saltar o
B para esconderse, arrastrarse o agacharse.
X para atacar
Para apuntar con el arma presione X y el left stick.

Sound effect:

Crédito de Imagen:

Audience; All Public, for people how like challenges
Platform: Mobile
Price: Free

Simple 2.5 isometric layout game about the exploration of a recently discovered ruin at the north pool.

You will have to face multiple puzzles to escape this ruin, there are limit of time for every puzzle that you have to face, you will have the option to start the game in easy and then change it to Hard or master difficulties.

The puzzles will become more and more complex the closer you are to exit the ruin.

To finish a level you will have to drive a ball to the finish area, the game will be similar to a maze, this means that you will start from one point and then finish in other.

There is no checkpoint in this game, this means that if you fail the level at the end of the maze you will have to start from the beginning.

The UI for the game is simple you have 2 menus, one is the main menu which will give the user the : Option, continue, quit, buttons.

after pressing continue you will see : Main, free, arcade. this modes have different settings, for instance the arcade mode has the option to change colour the screen also to black out completely without warning.

The free mode is to practice the puzzles. The game will be controlled by the touch screen.
Also the music of the game will change in every puzzle, in the sense it will speed up or it will slow down, this will make the player know the difficulty of the level.


Audience: People that are actively on the move
Platform: iOS and Android
Genre: Augmented Reality
Game Description: In this game you play the character of a witch hunter, your duty is to go around the open world searching for evil witches from the Church of Night. There are several covens around the world and you have to destroy as many as you can. Your most important tool is your phone and the phones camera, which is what you will use to hunt the witches. You also have magical spells to trap them, or destroy them, or take away their powers. With every witch you get rid of you gain new powers that will help you in destroying the covens. For every coven you destroy, you get a new spell to take down witches. Once you destroy all the covens and have all the spells available in the world, you can go ahead and take on the Church of Night and the Dark Lord himself.
This game uses AR Technology with the phone camera to make everything more realistic.
The controls for this game are simple, when you find a witch, she will appear on your phone screen, and you have to select what you want to do, kill her, or trap her and take her powers away.

This is the music for the game

witch hunter.docx12kb

Busy Critters

Audience: Animal lovers and

Platform: iOS and Android

Genre: minigames, puzzle.

Game Description: This is a game where you control animals, in their natural habitats, doing work they are used to doing as part of their way of living; the game works in minigames, each minigame is set to a different kind of animal.

All gameplay is touch based, with gestures and controls depending on the kind of activity the animal performs; the dong beetle for example has to roll a ball while avoiding hitting other objects, the beaver has to move pieces of wood down a river to block the water flow, the mole has to dig through tunnels while avoiding rock formations and other hazards that may stop it on its tracks, the crocodile has to slowly creep in front of its pray drinking water, to make sure and not alert the prey; the cat has to jump through rooftops of buildings in a city while at night; just like this, there are many other animals, that the user can control in many different minigames.

The game serves a purpose of pure simple fun for anyone with some spare time, it is made to be picked up at anytime given and be played for small bursts of time, the game uses cell shaded graphics with a low polygon count, making a very simplistic and minimalistic graphics.

Music in the game is very simplistic 5 note arrangements in a scale, that vary in between the minigames, each accustomed to the kind of activity in every minigame.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Sports
Platform: PS4
Target Audience: Sports and Soccer lovers. Also, people who will love to be a soccer referee
Game Description: In RFS instead on be a player or a manager in this game you will be a soccer referee you will need to go to a university and study how to be a referee also you should train your character to have stamina in all game and you should expend time in the library or at home studying the different rules in soccer.
You can modify your character as you wish you can change the skin color, hair and hair color, height and weight, etc.
The playability its very With the “Joystick” you will move your character around the referee faculty and inside the fields, with the “R2 “your character will run inside the field to follow every play, with “R1” you will stop the play inside the field, with “L1 and L2” you will take out the yellow and red card and also with the arrows you can contact the VAR to check some plays with that technology.
The scenarios in the game will be in soccer field around the world.
The Soundtrack is based on the popular game Fifa14:(
(Image credit: