Submissions from 2018-09-11 to 2018-09-12 (7 total)

Genre: Suspense, Horror, Survival
Platform: Xbox One, PS4, PC
Target Audience: for people that really don't want to sleep at night (for 18 years and older, not suited for people with heart conditions).

The Crying House is a Third person Horror game where you will need to get out of a haunted house with horrifying ghosts, only with the help of a pistol and a flashlight.

Brief History: You are a policeman that seems to wake up in a house and you don't know why you're there. Suddenly weird things begin to happen in this house and as you get more into it the more you start thinking... What if im not alone here?
As you go through a dark corridor that lies in front of you, you grab a flashlight and you hear a crying-sorrow like in the next corridor. You turn on the flashlight and then inmediatly the crying stops. Are you brave enough to turn around the next corridor?

Gameplay: The gameplay is straightforward, you will try to go through the house and try to find an exit. The house will be full of dark corridors and rooms and you will try to survive through it.

You will carry a map that will be colored as you advance through the house. Normal rooms are for hiding and have nothing inside them but bigger rooms will have important information of the history of the house and some will have secrets on them.

When you're in the house corridors you will hear crying of women that are ghost and will try to kill you.

If you got an encounter with a ghost you must try to hide in a room and try to lose the ghost. If you don't lose the ghosts fast enough they will jumpscare you and will kill you in matter of seconds. If this happens you will have a chace to try to kill them but if you fail you will die.

You can also try to shoot the ghosts when you see them too but if you do you will alert nearby ghosts that will start to cry and find you. Also as the ammo is scarce in the house you have to be careful with your shots.

The game has a pressure system that will make you lose control of yourself the more afraid you are so if you have a lot of fear you will begin to make a lot of sound and noises around, so ghosts will find you more easily.
The presssure will go up when you're running away from ghosts but when you have safely lost them your pressure will regenerate.

The way to know if they are ghosts are near: if you hear the crying but you can hear it very close it means that the ghost is very far of you. But if you hear it far of you then the ghost is just right next to you.

You will find some new weapons as you go through the house, like shotgun, silenced guns and greanades.
You can also find painkillers that will boost your health and pressure regeneration and ammo.

Image credit:


From Shapes to Colors.

Audience: kids ranging from ages 2-7.

Platform: iOS and Android.

Genre: Puzzle solving.

Game Description: FSC is a puzzle solving game that aims to shape the mind of young players via mini-games that challenge the mind. The game bases its mini-games in reconnaissance of color and shapes such as: squares, circles, triangles, ovals, hexagons and many others; as well as common colors like: red, green, blue, yellow, etc. And the different classification of the shapes and the colors they treat with.

The controls are all touch based since the environment where they work is all touch based, basic motions like tapping on the right object or swiping across the screen. Since the game is intended for a younger audience, there will be a narrator for the mini-games that is in charge of explaining what the problems consist of; while the narrator is talking, there will be subtitles with a little dot that moves with the narrator, as an incentive for kids to learn how to read as well.

Mini-games will range from mixing colors to create the right color, matching shapes to different holes so they fit, being able to identify shapes by names, mixing shapes to make their own robots or creatures, coloring fruits in their respective color and many more to come in future updates.

Side note: as of the first version, the game does not have a Colorblind mode, but the team is hardly working on it.

The Soundtrack for the game was made on Beepbox by the creator, it is made in a retro arcade style with an upbeat to inspire the kids to make the work in a fast fashion without feeling rushed or pressured.

Genre: Action role-playing, adventure

Platform: Playstation, PC and Mac

Target Audience: Rating Mature 17+, public that likes action and adventure games.

Everything starts in the middle ages in a town and kingdom called "morodin", where the story is based on a young warrior named "Jonas Theremin" son of the great warrior "John Theremin" who after facing a dragon called "valkyrie", saves the town from a great destruction, then in the kingdom of morodin he is named the main knight and keeper of King Richard III, and there begins the whole journey of the young Jonas in doing several missions.
The King Richard III has a main enemy that wants destroy his kingdom, is the wizard sorcerer and former king of an ancient kingdom that was annihilated years ago for being a very evil kingdom and now wants to take revenge in destroying the kingdom morodin that are the ones that destroyed that kingdom, the wizard sorcerer would be calling monsters , goblins, dragons, gollum, giants and evil spirits and the young knight will have to avoid at all costs.
You will enter into a wonderful story! With tremendous landscapes and kingdoms!

Game Description:
The game has the option of interacting with people, passing landscapes in the style of other adventure games, with great graphic design, audio effects and background music.
The gameplay is in first person.

keyboard, mouse and video game controller.
You can configure all the options, which button you would choose to move, jump, point enemies or zoom, etc.

the music for this game would be this, as the game progresses you will have different music.

Género: Racing
Sistema Operativo: Android, iOS, Windows
Plataforma: Táctil
Audiencia: Para los amantes de las patinetas y carreras. Comunidad skater.
Modo: singleplayer, multiplayer

Es un juego de carreras donde el usuario tiene la libertad de escoger el tipo de patineta que desea. Por ejemplo, longboard, skateboard y pennyboard (la mediana). Cada una tiene sus ventajas y desventajas. También el tipo de personaje que desea escoger de acuerdo a su gusto. Al principio del juego, habrá solo 2 personajes, uno de género masculino y otro femenino. El ambiente se sitúa en ciudades de 3ra dimensión en un mundo abierto. Y el juego te proporcionará 500 dolares de bonus al principio.

A medida que el personaje recorra la ciudad, este tendrá que esquivar carros, personas, postes, árboles, palmeras, huecos, barandas, ect. También podrás saltar escalones (solo la skateboard ) y barandas (solo la skateboard) y evitar andar sobre la arena, la grama o la nieve. Por último, tratar de mantener el equilibrio en las curvas y bajadas (para skateboards y penyboards). En caso de una subida, puedes aplicar el turbo que dura 7 segundos y se carga en 5 min depende de la distancia.

Para llegar a la meta, en un viejo taller de autos, aparecerá un mapa que indica los caminos por donde el jugador sera guíado. Sin embargo, si este se desvía, perderá la carrera automaticamente. Si el personaje se estrella con cualquiera de los obstáculos, el nivel de vida se le reducirá a un 40 % y con ello tendrá que sobrevivir hasta llegar a la meta. Además, hay que tener cuidado con los semáforos en las intersecciónes para evitar ser atropellado por cualquier automóvil o camión (game over). Para ello el juego te permite comprar cascos y rodilleras. Estos subiran de precio de acuerdo a su nivel de protección (100 a 400 dolares). Por cada ciudad que desbloques, ganarás 500$ extra y se irá desbloqueando una ciudad, un personaje y una patineta de diferente diseño o color. Los costos de las patinetas varían según su diseño o color ( 100$ - 300$)

Los controles táctiles van en la parte inferior de la pantalla en las esquínas.
El ícono redondo va a la izquierda (para acelerar con el pie) y los botones de dirección en la derecha. El boton de arriba de usa para saltar y el de abajo para disminuir la velocidad. El resto es obvio. Para el turbo, presionar un boton extra en el centro de los botones de dirección.

En el modo online, te vas a enfrentar aleatoriamente con 5 personajes de diferentes nacionalidades. También puedes agregar personas a tu lista de amigos e interactuar por la mensajería del juego. El único problema es que ambos tienen que seleccionar las mismas ciudades. Y en el modo single player, el usuario se enfrentará con 2 personajes automaticos.

Durante la carrera, no sabrás en que posición estarás nisiquiera tus rivales al menos que anden muy cerca del otro y se vean. Antes de comenzar la carrera, solo se mostrará el nombre de los rivales o rival y el país de origen pero no el personaje. Solo al final, se mostrarán las posiciones y el ganador. Que frustrante no? Aplica para ambos modos.

Las ciudades incluyen Los Angeles, Nueva York, Chicago, Toronto, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Barcelona, Madrid, Lisboa, Rio de Janeiro, Seoul, Moscow, Cartagena y PTY.

Crédito de imagen:

Ejemplo de Sountracks

Gender: Macabre, gothic,Adventure. 3 person
Audience; Mature, only for those seeking challenges on the Sea
Platform: PC
Price: ???

In a remote island, there's an ancient place that the locals consider cursed, and say that the ones that went there have never returned.

The island history narrates that on it there are unthincable gold chest full with relics from other worlds.

And those how make it back to the civilization with only One relic will be considered KINGS.

The island is covered by a dense fog, which also covers part of the sea that surrounds the island, and therefore almost impossible to access do the rocks.

Some people say that that island has the worst nightmares come true, the only way that can be acces it to have your mind clean of thoughts all the time, if they start to think that thought will become true.

The way to the island itself is an adventure, it requires special gear that need to be gather from all around the world, from unic wood statues for your ship to something so simple as nails for the ship.

the captain, Jeff it the one in charged to make this adventure possible, but there's a catch you need to gather the members of the ship by completing quests.

Gameplay :

Third person adventure game, you will be the captain Jeff that will be the responsible to guide your troupe to this inhabit island.

The main game will be in Open sea. this means, most of the time you will be in the ship.

You will be able to upgrade the ship after completing quests and gaining money from them.

there are safe zones all over the map where the player can rest and recover there troup to get to the island.
When the player reaches a certain area the game will request them a special item on the ship to continue.
As mentioned previously this can be a statue made of wood.

Once the player gets all these parts the island location will appear on the map and they can access this island, in where they need to fight monster by land, that by that time in the game the player should have good weapons and be prepared to fight this monsters that are protecting the island.

The Super Chancleta.docx12kb

Genre: RPG, Multiplayer, Adventure
Platform: VR
Target Audience: RPG lovers. Those who enjoy playing RPG and never have the chance to play a realistic one, these will be the one that you experience that .
Game Description: In BHO, With the VR technology every player will have a realistic experience of an RPG also with the little sensor that comes with the game you will run, tack and defense yourself like if you are inside of the game. you will have 2 types of games the classic History mode and the Online mode. In the History mode it will be a single player mode and in the online mode, one to six players take control of a Swordsman, a Double Swordsman, an Assasin, Tank, Priest, and a Wizzard.
The main character in the game is Leon a swordsman that needs to gather 5 more members to beat the he spells of despair that the evil entity profaned in the 5 kingdoms.
In the History mode with Leon, you will need to travel around the 5 kingdoms beating monsters and gather your new team also you can start in the Kingdom that you want. Every time that you gather a new member and travel to new kingdoms, every kingdom will offer you a new quest, special events and hunt legendary and rare monsters. When you gather all the 6 members you will go to the fortress where the evil identity awaits for your team.
In the online mode also one to six players will beat different types of Boss, fight in the floor 1 to 100 dungeons. Also, you can modify your character as you want also new weapons will add in the online mode. In the History, the mode will have some special events that will give special weapons and armor that you can use in the online mode.
The 5Kingdoms will have different types of scenarios like Leon's Kingdom is a Beautiful Kingdom surrounded by Big trees and waterfalls, The Double Sword Man's Kingdom is a poor Kingdom with a black atmosphere, The Assassin's Kingdom it’s a Rich Kingdoms with big lights and big structures, The Tanks Kingdom is a giant dwarfs Kingdom, The Priests Kingdom is the Elf Kingdom and the Wizards Kingdom is a Magical Kingdom surrounded by all type of mythical and rare creatures.

The music will have an emphasis on the series Game of Thrones (

(Image credit