Submissions from 2018-09-08 to 2018-09-09 (1 total)

Audience: +16
Genre: Suspense, survival, horror, 3D, singleplayer
Platform: PS4, PC and Nintendo Switch
Name: Dear Haruka

-I'm Haruka, an 18-year-old student from the outskirts of Osaka who is about to graduate.

  • Today I found a letter and a red rose with my crush´s name inside my locker. His name is Misato, a brilliant student from class A very popular among the girls.
  • I'm very nervous but at the same time astonished so I will open the letter :

Dear Haruka, I know you have been my secret admirer since last year. Something about you also attracts me even if you are very dumb at school. I want to propose you a blind date this Saturday night at 8 pm. It will be at the old abandoned school near the gas station which brings me good memories of the place where I used to play with my friends when I was a child. Let's meet in the hallway of the second floor in front of the big window to appreciate the beauty of the stars.

I´ll be waiting for you.

On Saturday night, Haruka gets inside the school.
-Everything looks dark and silent, but I feel nervous and happy at the same time....! I´ll give it a try. Near the entrance, she picks up a shiny object lying at an old desk which is a lantern. Suddenly, the door from the entrance closes by itself and also hears that the rest of the doors get closed sharply. Bravely, she goes to the second floor to figure out what was happening. If its a prank or what. By surprise, she sees a warning written in red on the wall that says: If you don’t find the secret key inside the bouquet of flowers made with love, you’ll stay with me forever in this place. I'm observing you, dear Haruka.

The objective of this game is to find the secret key inside the bouquet of flowers located in one of the places or objects such as lockers, desks, tables, chairs, bathrooms, plant pots, little trashcans, across the halls, stairs, classrooms or floor. There will be other bouquets as well, along with creepy love notes with some secrets of her past and family. Also, You can find batteries hidden or lying between any of the items and places mentioned before. If the lantern runs out of battery, a man with a burden face full of scars with deep melancholic eyes will appear behind her and game over. Lastly, you have to avoid making noise if you hit or move by accident any of the items or even the doors. If so, you´ll hear steps in the dark running towards Haruka and she will get caught from behind also. If you don´t take the necessary measures, the´´ secret admirer´´ will catch Haruka and make her sleep forever.

A Battery bar will indicate its duration. Also, a little map will show the direction where the steps come from and possible paths to hide while she runs. The user has the option to run, jump, hide, walk, pick up items, interact with objects and open things such as doors, lockers and desk drawers. Furthermore, move freely across the building

If you find the key, go and interact with all the possible exits of the building until a door gets opened.

Haruka: Who was this psychopath? I don’t think it´s Misato. My entire life has been a lie.

You decide Haruka´s destiny.

Soundtrack based on an anime called Flowers of evil. :

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