Submissions from 2024-05-12 to 2024-05-13 (4 total)

Genre: Fighting game, 2-D, action, visual novel

Platform: Playstation, PC, Xbox

Audience: 15+yrs. Gamers wishing for a fast-paced fighting game with various layers.

Description: Our story takes place in the year 20XX in a hidden world known as Avalunos which runs parallel to our own, but the difference is the use of magic rather than technology due to the unique nature within that dimension which allows the breaking of the laws of physics.

Our story follows Roy Ifriat, a student in the magical academy of Friern from the military branch with an unending desire for justice after the murder of his family that haunts him to this day, has decided to partake in the event known as the “Echo war” where he will have to beat 11 other mages where the winner is able to claim their wish from the “Crown of Avalon”. In a war where the conditions between beating and killing enter a gray line, whose will, or justice will prevail?

Gameplay: The player will select a playable character to participate in a battle against another player or computer where the winner is decided after winning 2 rounds. The core mechanic that distinguishes this fighting game would be the “Mage art” which is unique trait to each character for example Roys “mage art” is named “Ifrits flame” which allows him to make fire attacks that cause a burn effect on the opponent where they will suffer more damage from subsequent fire attacks until the status is over or Roy suffers an attack.

This game will implement a combo sequence where attacks are able to chain with each other seamlessly for example light attack>medium attack>heavy attack>mage attack.

Alongside this sequence there will be 2 types of gauges, 1st named the “Mana gauge” which would be a standard gauge that fills up by pressing the offense, utilizing mage attacks and taking advantage of mage traits and this gauge can be used to either enhance attacks, break guards be used in ultimate attacks, extend combos even cancel attacks, as such this gauge will have up to 2 charges. The 2nd gauge named “Resistance” would be a passive gauge which can help in the defensive side of things such as reinforcing the shield so it can not be broken and push back opponents, so it is harder for them to keep their pressure.

Besides these gauges there will exist what is the “limit break” counter which is a counter that fills up passively and is influenced by the “flow state” that activates automatically by being proactive in the fight, this counter will have up to 3 charges and each charge that is filled up allows access to additional special attacks, enhancement to “mage traits” and increase in attack power.

Controls: with the Playstation controller scheme the player will be able to move with either the d pad or the left analog stick to either dash, back dash, jump, double jump, air dash and back air dash. The square button would be light attack, triangle is medium attack, circle is heavy attack, and X will be the magic attack. The R1 allows the activation of a limit break counter, R2 is taunt or respect.

These controls can be modifiable as pressing both medium and heavy attack can allow the player to grab their opponent, pressing light and magic attack can break the shield, pressing the limit break button and an attack button can allow for a combo extender, pressing the limit break button and magic attack button can cancel an attack and pressing 3 attack buttons can utilize the resistance gauge.

My main inspiration for this idea came from the grail war and concept of a wish by the Fate/Series.

The main soundtrack inspiration that helped with the heavy atmosphere and purpose comes from the song of FAKEit by Laco and Hiroyuki Sawano.

Fate Zero promo art.webp15kb

Platform: PC

Genre: Horror, Point-Click Adventure

Target audience: Targeted at people aged 18 to 25, it’s aimed at players who enjoy fun experiences and first-person shooters, with a fun twist.

Game description: Imagine trying to eat without being able to find the correct YouTube video to eat with your food, but you do not have a keyboard :0

In Watch and Eat, you must find the perfect video containing exactly what you need before your hunger bar gets too low, for you will use the recommended bar, which is to the right of the video you were watching but all tho a simple mechanic, will be quite difficult finding the correct video to satisfy your needs as you will need to find a video that has a general similitude to the top of the search bar like if the top bar states food, you must help it find food videos, or something being consumed.

The game will be a point-click adventure so you will only need (Left Mouse) to interact.

Later on after video after video, you come to find strange videos in your recommended feed, videos calling for you to get out of something. As you continue playing the game after a certain point you will see more videos requesting that you free yourself from whatever you are stuck in. Until you press on the video, the screen will go black as you see yourself in a reflection, an old man. But how can that be you have only been doing this for a few seconds while you were trying to find something to eat but… why isn't there any food? Or as a matter of fact why I am doing this.

This is where the big plot twist ensues, you were feeding AI with video search results, and every bit of info you had on the search bar was for you to let the AI know more, you weren't using YouTube, it was using you all along. You will have to use help from the mysterious videos to find out who you are, how can you get out? And how can you avoid the AI seeing you are trying to escape

The models will be in 2D, pixel-looking, as if made out of pixels or almost like the art style of “House”.

The music of Watch and Eat will have an emphasis on futuristic music like “NEON UNDERWORLD” by PunchDeck (—RoyaltyFreeMusic).

Image Source:

Plataforma: PC y Nintendo Switch
Audiencia: Todas las edades

Gracias a los avances de la tecnología, ahora la NASA a logrado hacer que otros planetas tierras hayan sido habitables.

También se ha descubierto la existencia de extraterrestres por lo que se convive entre humanos y extraterrestres.

En eso nuestra historia comienza con nuestro protagonista, que tiene un perro el cuál quiere mucho.

El chico se dedica a trabajar limpiando la tierra de Marte, ya que él desea ayudar a su familia porque tienen una vida un poco difícil.

Un día unos aliens se llevaron a su querido perrito en un ovni a otro lugar, el chico se pone muy triste debido a que se llevaron a su mejor amigo. Pero el chico no se va a dar por vencido y decide ir tras la búsqueda de su mejor amigo.

El chico viajará a través de otras galaxias que existen para poder rescatar a su mejor amigo.

Habrá diferentes tecnologías dependiendo de la galaxia que viajes, esto te ayudará más adelante en tu rescate.

Música de referencia:

Imagen de referencia:

Género: carrera, educativo, simulador
Plataforma: PC
Audiencia: de 7 años en adelante, amantes de la naturaleza

Descripción: en este juego tomamos control de toda una colonia de hormigas, la cual tras enterarse que se acerca una cabeza de agua, deciden abandonar su hormiguero y huir a un lugar nuevo que sea seguro y en el que puedan construir otro hormiguero mediante una bola gigante que todas las hormigas crearan para escapar rodando y resguardar a la reina junto a las larvas. Pero desgraciadamente la cabeza de agua no es al único desastre al que las hormigas deben de sobrevivir, cada que encuentran un lugar seguro, al rato aparece otra adversidad de la que tendrán que huir.

Todo el juego transcurre en un bosque, cuyo estado se deteriora conforme vas avanzando en el juego, todo lo malo que ocurre es por culpa de los humanos ya que están destruyendo todo el bosque para expandir la ciudad, por lo que básicamente el fin de ese juego sería concientizar todo el daño que es capaz de hacer el ser humano a la naturaleza con tal de satisfacer sus intereses egocéntricos.

Para jugar, necesitarás usar el ratón para interactuar, las teclas de flechas para moverte y espacio para saltar, la modalidad del juego es sencilla, controlarás el rumbo de la bola de hormigas colina abajo mientras evitas cualquier obstáculo en tu camino a la vez de que te alejas del desastre que pueda acabar con la vida de las hormigas, si te llega a alcanzar perderás.

Los obstáculos serían piedras, troncos, árboles y animales que también estarán huyendo de todo el caos, el chocarte con algunos de estos obstáculos perderás hormigas, entre mientras más pierdas, la bola se hará más pequeña, tu velocidad reducirá y quedarán expuestas las larvas y la reina, cuando esto último suceda corres el riesgo de perder el juego.

Hay objetos que pueden ayudarte, como pedazos de frutas que aumentarán tu velocidad y algunas piedras y troncos en forma de rampas que te ayudarán a avanzar más rápido, eso sí, no hay nada que recomponga las hormigas que hayas perdido, si pierdes 20 hormigas, así se quedara, haciendo que el nivel de dificultad del juego y los finales dependan de la cantidad de hormigas que tengas.

Los gráficos del juego serían en 3D con modelos caricaturescos y coloridos. La banda sonora sería música clásica, ya que es capaz de expresar lo desesperante de la situación y como esta empeora, por lo que todo iniciaría con una canción así, y acabaría con una así

Fuentes de las imágenes:,