Submissions from 2024-05-05 to 2024-05-06 (3 total)

Genre: action, racing, visual novel

Plataforma: Playtsation, PC, Nintendo Switch

Audience: Ages between 15 and 30yrs. Those wishing for a different motorcycle type of game.

Description: In the not-so-distant future with the discovery and development of the O-Accelerator technology humanity has progressed rapidly where the fear of energy shortage could be put long behind them. However, this progress has not come without another alarming discovery which are the interdimensional beings named “Ohmen” that feed of off the excess energy produced by O-acceleration and these beings have been registered to cause havoc if not returned or made a pact with.

Our story follows Mikhail Yuso, an illegal Accel runner who has found himself competing in the annual Grand Prix to gain a better way of life for not only himself but his closest friends. He is accompanied by his contracted Ohmen whose name is Crimson, Mikhail has also named his Accel drive runner scarlet drake.

Gameplay: The player will take control of an Accel runner to compete within a stage for up to 3 laps and from there the winner is the one to reach 1st place.

The main mechanic that sets this game apart from the rest of other racing games is the Ohmen count, a counter linked to the speed gauge which fills up passively and every time the bar is filled the count increases until a maximum of 6 is obtained.

These counters allow for a multitude of uses to either accelerate, give a momentary boost, used as a means of offense to summon remnants of a contracted “Ohmen” to attack an opponent to either steal speed from them, decrease their mobility or outright slowing them down, a defensive option can also be used to block attacks or boost the speed gauge.

During the race If the player is in a lower position the speed gauge will increase until there is a count of 7 which allows for the full summoning of the “Ohmen” which grants temporary invincibility and increase in speed Until all the counters are depleted.

My main inspiration for the idea came from Yugioh 5DS, more specifically from Yusei Fudo and his companion stardust dragon as a motif of speed and summoning otherworldly beings sounds fascinating.

My musical elements that help impose this idea of speed and acceleration coming from the song Clear Mind by Masaki Endoh.

Platform: PC, PS5, Xbox Series X

Genre: First Person, Horror, 3D

Target audience: Targeted at people aged 18 to 25, it’s aimed at players who enjoy fun experiences and first-person shooters, with a fun twist.

Game description: Can you talk your way out of a sticky situation? Let us see if that is the case when you can’t exactly describe the situation or risk death.

In this game, you will only need to use your microphone to play, simply press (E) and talk, but in this game, you need to survive in a house with a serial killer who likes to torment you, you will have some choices to choose who you would be speaking with, it could be your mom, dad, friend, neighbor or any other contact, the killer want for you to say your final goodbyes

You will need to describe how you are in danger without telling the person on the other side directly, this game will use IA to be able to reach in time to whatever you choose to say, choose your words carefully before tipping off your killer.

Finally, the story will have multiple endings, depending on how you speak and try to convince the IA, such as getting the person on the other line to come to save you or having the person on the other line call the police for you, you will have multiple different endings depending on what you choose.

You will also have to constantly speak with the IA on the other side to help them see the bigger picture or go for other methods that might seem unconventional.

This game will have random map generation, you will be able to map out the place while talking on the phone, and you will move with (W,A,S,D) and be able to move around the house but the killer will slowly follow you, making sure you are saying goodbye properly, and also that you won't run away, you will be able to map out key points of the building you are in and provide that info to your helper.

In Talk, and Keep Talking you will also have a bar system that will start going down if you haven't spoken in a while since the killer will assume you have finished speaking, you will also have to worry about dying if that bar goes out.

The models will be in 3D, pixel-looking, as if made out of polygons or almost like the art style of “Night of the Consumers”.

The music of Talk, and Keep Talking will have an emphasis on horror funk music like “7-10 Split” from Gutterballs Soundtrack (

Image Source:

Audiencia: Todas las edades.
Plataforma: PC.

Habrán 99 jugadores en el espacio dentro de una nave.

Cada jugador debe dispararle a con láseres a otros jugadores, los láseres no son tan rápidos, por lo que tienes chance de poder esquivarlo, pero igual no será fácil esquivarlo.

Cada uno estará en otras partes del espacio y en cada lugar estarán 10 jugadores, cuando quede un jugador en cada lado, se pasarán estos a otro lado para que se continúe la batalla, esto seguirá así hasta que en el espacio solo quede uno.

Habrán poderes que te pueden dar ventaja en las batallas, aunque estos son de tiempo limitado y otros de un solo uso, así que úsalo bien.

Podrás cubrirte con meteoritos y otros objetos del espacio, así que muévete con inteligencia.

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