Submissions from 2024-04-28 to 2024-04-29 (3 total)

Genre: Action, Rpg

Platform: Nintendo Switch, PC

Audience: Ages between 10-30. Those wishing for a simple yet destructive game.

Description: The player is known as “the maker” a being of unknown origin and who has been tasked with the mission by “the syndicate” to “create a new world” as such you are sent to a planet named Prime earth, located in a parallel dimension from your what would be your own. You have been imbued with the power to essentially create what are Kaijuu with the sole purpose of causing grand commotion to bridge the gap between worlds and allow your fellow syndicates to lay claim to this world, however there is opposition by the inhabitants of world designated “Denizens”. Who shall rise and who shall fall?

Gameplay: The games will offer extensive and through customization for not only appearance but gameplay. As “The Maker” your body will be fully customizable to fit the needs and wants of the players and not only that you will create Kaijuu from three main archetypes of “The Brute”, “The Angler” and “The Shooter” each with unique move sets and passive natures to assist in all their battles. The player will also have a meter known as the "Godz meter" which once filled can unleash a massive attack.

These battles may come with different objectives such as Conquest, to expand the territory of your base and acquire resources, Assault, to raid “denizen” bases to decrease their influence and power, Mayhem, to cause as much chaos and discord to be able to bridge the gap between worlds and lastly Arena, which is an all out brawl against a special kind of “Denizen” designated Atalent which can unlock other types of materials to aid in the creation of Kaijuu.

In the Creation chamber the Player will make and customize their own Kaijuu from appearance to archetype to even “Predatory Attacks” which can enhance the destructive capability of the Kaijuu. As the player conquers more territories and acquires further resources the player may acquire more “predatory attacks” as well as unlock new archetypes to create.

During battle against the “Denizens” the Kaijuu in control will be assigned with a light, medium, and heavy attacks, alongside these the Kaijuu will also have the trait action which depending on the archetype provides different actions, for example the “The Brute” will be able to increase their mass allowing for greater impact on their next attacks where as “The Angler” will have a mobility option unique to it with its tail that can be used to influence its attacks. The player will also be able to influence the environment and use the surroundings to achieve victory.

Controls: The basic controls utilizing the Nintendo Switch control scheme the player will move with the left analog stick and utilize the right analog stick to control the camera. The buttons of Y, X and A will be the light, medium and heavy attacks respectively. The B button will be assigned to the “Trait action”, The L button will open a menu changing the Y, X and A button to “Predatory” attacks assigned to them.

R will be to interact with the surroundings, ZR will be to dodge and the ZL will be to block. Pressing both the ZR and ZL buttons close to an enemy will allow them to be grabbed and tossed and pressing L and R will utilize the "Godz meter" and unleash a massive attack against the enemy or the area.

My main inspiration for this idea came from the anime od SSSS.Gridman which has the character of Akane Shinjo which creates Kaijus to bring out Gridman.

The main type of soundtrack for the game comes from the Song named Redeemer by Peter Roe blending electro musical themes as well as vocals giving a sense of purpose and scope of the magnitude of battles that are had.

A submission for GAME 1100 FEB 2024 77

Plataforma: PC

Género: Battle Royale, Horror, Tercera Persona

Audiencia: Está dirigido a personas entre 18 - 30. Es un juego que está dirigido a fans de la lucha o simplesmente les gustaria experimentar como ser un luchador pero super poderoso.

Descripción del Juego: En este juego tendras que intentar sobrevivir contra multiple monstruos, igual que otros jugadores pero solo uno puede sobrevivir.

En este juego tendras que correr, esconderte y lo mas importante sobrevivir contra 50 otros jugadores, habra 1 monstruo persiguiendolos por todo el mapa hasta que solo queden 2, de ahi en alguna parte del mapa se desbloqueara 1 salida y el que logre escapar por aquella sera el que escape.

Podras moverte con (W,A,S,D) y tambien interactuar con objetos con (E), como cajetas o lockers en los que te podras ocultar. Mientras los monstruos te buscan estos tendran distintas mecanicas, Una de esas es el nivel de interes, dependiendo de que tanto tiempo llevas siendo perseguido mientras mas tardes en ser devorado mas interes pierde el monstruo, tambien una me canica de enojo que dependiendo de cuantas veces el monstruo vaya perdiendo interes de jugadores, mas se enoja por no haber comido. Y por ultimo una mecanica en la que modo enojo que hace que el monstruo se vuelva violento ignorando todo y destruyendo puntos de escondites.

Finalmente habra una mecanica de chat de voz cercano, que puede usada para atraer o distraer al monstruo o comunicarte con tus otros superviviente para crear unas alianzas que alfinal de que serviran si solo uno puede escapar?

Tambien habran distintos mapas como un bosque oscuro, una mansion abandonada, una ciudad abandonada y entre otros.

Los modelos de los personajes serían en 3D con apariencia de un juego al estilo viejo, pero parecido a juegos modernos pero pixelados como “Clock Tower”

La música del juego tendrá un énfasis en la musica de horror o casi accion, asi para darle una emocion, como “Looming Dread” de “Resident Evil 2” (

Foto de ejemplo:

Genre: 2D platformer, Adventure

Plataform: Consoles and PC

Audience: +13

Description: Icey Mountains is a 2D platformer where the player must climb three huge mountains, the three with different focuses in mechanics and visual design to maintain variety in the levels and to make all the mountains.
I want a pixel art style for the game, to give it a sort of old platformer vibe with colourful environments.

The first mountain will have a mix between wildness nature taking over and icy terrains and lots of lighting effects, since the first mountain will occur in the day, I want to give it a nostalgic feeling.

The second mountain will be a total contrast between the other two, mainly because it will be filled with magma, with a combination of monochromatic red and orange, the mountain is supposed to feel oppressive, not necessarily hard.

For the last mountain, it will be a total icy terrain, with slippery floors, slippery walls, and lots of environment hazards, this is supposed to be the hardest mountain of the game.

For reference I’ll use a ps5 control

To move, use the directional key or the left joystick, to jump, press the x button, to do a dash, press the circle button and to do a special ability, press the triangle button.

For the ost I was thinking of a chill feeling:

image used for reference(Celeste):