Submissions from 2015-02-12 to 2015-02-13 (5 total)

This was a quite productive day. First of all, I created a bonus system for gathering resources which seems to be working great. Second, I made a weighed random function for choosing an event for them to have different probabilities. I also had some great ideas on how to improve Crystal Kindom and what else to implement, but that's for later. :)

Yesterday's update can be found here.
In a case of any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me here or on twitter. ;)
For more updates, you should follow my twitter account - @PeterLauris and the account of Crystal Kingdom - @CrystalKingdom_

Still trying to solve the same issue; getting the cost of movement to each tile on the map from the unit's current tile. Immediate neighbours would be a cost of 1 for grass tiles, 2 for the neighbours of neighbours etc. Some tiles would have increased cost, say forests might have a base cost of 2, so going through two forest tiles would cost 4.

Then gotta represent that as a highlighted area of possible moves.

I'll get that working eventually but for now I've just added a river to my demo map. (The highlighted area here is just for immediate neighbours, getting it to iterate correctly is proving difficult in a functional language :p)

Got the template angularjs + bootstrap working, setup repository and git and got it running on server.

This should yield a decent workflow for developing more :)

Today and yesterday have been minor tweaks to making sure the compiler is working properly under the hood. Yesterday I fixed newlines breaking expressions parsing and got CSS blocks to resolve variables properly, since I didn't implement that.

Today I didn't really feel like doing much, so I took up the task of fixing an outstanding bug with the lexer, where something like:

if (expression

Would throw an error inside the lexer. So I modified my lexer to make sure that this was properly tokenized and handled nicely by the parser.


A submission for Code @Home 18

I worked on some more Go asset management, but got a bit stuck on the regular expression functions with named captures. I also have my BeagleBone Black running Debian testing with systemd. Basically it was "failing" to boot last night. Turned out, dhcpc wasn't getting invoked for the ethernet, but networking was still working for USB. Once I fixed that configuration I was able to ssh right back into it to get more packages & rebuild Go 1.4.1. Also started building Ruby 2.2.0 using RVM on the BeagleBone.