Submissions from 2015-02-09 to 2015-02-10 (4 total)

Today was spent fixing multiple nasty bugs. One of them was that at one point of the game population suddenly went from 10 to 2 billion. I also dealt with some performance issues. One of the solutions was slowing the game quite a lot.

Next I'm planning to program AI to decide when to increase the population and how important it should be. :)

Yesterday's update can be found here.
In a case of any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me here or on twitter. ;)
For more updates, you should follow my twitter account - @PeterLauris and the account of Crystal Kingdom - @CrystalKingdom_

Today was my first of a full week devoted to game dev. I worked on adding units, keyboard controlled pointer and selecting.

It went pretty well but I've got some difficult bits to solve tomorrow.

Placeholder art as always.

Phew, ok. Today I sat down for roughly less than 30 mins to work on my compiler but I got the basics of object-based tokens working. So now code like 'children.count' will properly evaluate the variables of the object 'children' whereas previously, 'children.count' was stored in the assoc. array directly.

This is in preparation again for enumerators.

It was getting kind of late, and I decided to go back to my MSP430 port of jonesforth that I've been on for awhile now. I implement a few more words, improved readability of the defvar & defconst statements, and fixed a potential issue with alignment. I have about 20 words left to implement of the assembly before I can start really testing it. Really, it's getting about to the point where I'll have to implement a basic serial interface for interaction. I'm currently at 2602 bytes, still well within the MSP430G2553's 16K of storage. However, I'm clearly above some of the smaller chips, like the MSP430G2211 which was one of the original chips to ship with the Launchpad. I'm not sure how much I really care to target those devices.