Submissions from 2022-12-06 to 2022-12-07 (1 total)


A submission for Decade Jam 988

today, between all of the other things i've been buying over the holiday season, i decided to just lean into it and buy Rider for a year. that's the JetBrains IDE for C# that integrates with Unity so well. i used it as a student for free, it kind of sold me on it, i keep thinking about it, so i guess it's time.

i learned that once the subscription ends after the year, you actually get a perpetual license for the version you bought it out of, so i technically can use Rider 2022 forever! unsure if it would have been wiser to wait until the year turned over, but the actual 2023 version could potentially be months away.

i really don't justify buying this as some kind of motivator. i think it'll just make programming feel nicer, and i plan to do some amount of that now and into the foreseeable future. maybe putting all this money on Unity right now isn't a great idea, but with coherence being so near and dear to me all of a sudden, escaping Unity is not likely to happen for a year.