Adventure, Action RPG, Open world
Target Audience:
Is for people who like intense game with a competitive and cooperative gameplay and also with a massive open world to discover along your friends within a lot of hour for playing and enjoying it.
Consoles, PC
Game Description:
This land where you live is separated by the power of clans that rule their powers by tattoos (the people with the tattoo of each clan will have the powers of that people and will be able to manage it in several different ways) you’re an owner of a new clan that nobody know about (when you chose the name and the tattoo sign of your clan you will be able to chose the power that your clan member and you will use you will have to choo se between these elements: light, dark, wind , ice, magma ,explosion ,flower poison and iron), depending on the power that you choose your clan will try to reach the top and conquer the whole land fighting the others clan to reach their glory.
All the clans on the game have a specific way to manech their power and how to use it thye have tu complete and fullfill al their task with the power that the clans give to them to show power among all the people in the land
Game Soundtrack:
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