Submissions from 2019-10-18 to 2019-10-19 (5 total)

Género: Aventura, rompecabezas
Plataforma: PC
Demográfica: las personas que quieren encontrarse con un juego de rompecabezas que contiene una historia.

Descripción: Espejo es un juego simple que usa dos cubos. Estos dos cubos representan el bien y el mal. Es un juego que en parte se trata de lo que uno hace en un lugar le afecta al otro. Sera un juego lineal ya que los niveles están hechos sobre una línea y los obstáculos serán otros cubos o personas que encuentras en el nivel. El cubo del mal usara la violencia para cumplir con sus métodos y el cubo del bien usara el amor y el bien para pasar. Pero uno le afecta al otro. Por ejemplo, si el cubo del bien le ayuda una persona o completa un obstáculo, el cubo del mal tendrá que hacer o hacer un mal o usar una diferente manera para cumplir el objetivo. Es como un juego de balance en donde el bien y el mal debe tener un mismo y opuesto efecto con cada uno. Y cada vez que los jugadores hacen un bien o un mal los NPC cambiaran de color

Música: El juego no tendrá música que no sea los sonidos de los cubos y el ambiente. Esto es para que el jugador siente el impacto de sus acciones.

Graficas: El juego estará hecha de cubos y con colores simples. La mayoría de los niveles son en el color gris para que representa la moraleja ambigua. El cubo del bien es azul y el cubo del mal es rojo. Las otras personas tendrán un gris más oscuro y se harán más oscuro o más brillante dependiendo de sus acciones.

Genre: acction,fight,adventure
Platform: PS4, XBOX, PC

Demographic: for lovers of super heroes and action games with fight, but directed mainly for the adults

Description: The game is based on a character who suffered a failure in an experiment he performed where he was struck by lightning and killed, but this revives with powers over humans such as being able to travel through space time and be super agile.

in the game you will find a lot of rivals that you have to defeat in order to save the planet earth because they want to carry out an experiment like the one your character made and failed, but the detail is that they use an injection that makes them super humans with different abilities each and you have to stop them before they finish this experiment.

Your powers are basic like attacking body to body with a normal speed, but to learn to control your power you will have to train hard every day and you will be able to develop new haobilities and combos of attacks.
You will have to know something very important and that is that if you decide to use a special ability that allows you to travel through time and space, this will affect your future.

This whole event of the game runs in a common city, full of innocent and peaceful people, your character was a quantum scientist, who would have to defeat all the villains before it’s too late.

Goal: defeat all villains and save planet earth.


Genre: action, multiplayer, RPG

Platform: Switch, PS4, XboxOne, PC

Demographic: players who like to have their own story and not have one put by the game. Players who like playing games with friends locally or online. Players who like an action RPG that doesn't take too long to beat and each game is different.

Description: Four or less heroes are sent out from their village to go out and become a hero of legend to get fame and marry the princess. Each player will be able to choose a path in the world and will have to train their skills to unlock new ones and become stronger. The leveling up system works very fast making players be ready for challenges without wasting too much time grinding. They will be able to gain new skills by helping people, fighting enemies and visiting places for a long time. The world is big, but you can see other players using items or visiting inns. You can then use this information to try to kill them earning you huge amounts of exp and slowing their progress. The main objective is to build fame, you do this by helping people or beating strong monsters. You lose fame if you're found trying to steal or killing someone, so areas with more NPCs are safer for low level players. When a player gets enough reputation, they will be invited by the king if the player manages to get to the king at this moment that player wins. Other players can try to stop him, but have to be fast cause if he gets to the kingdom there is no way to kill him at that point.


Genre: Graphic adventure, dark comedy, puzzle.

Platform: PS4, XboxOne, PC.

Demographic: ESRB Mature. It's a game for people who likes to focus on stories and less on gameplay, and love dark humor. It will be a retelling of the "Divine Comedy" so any fan of the poem will enjoy the story.

Description: It's a dark comedy game based on the famous poem by Dante Alighieri, the "Divine Comedy". The game will be a retelling of the poem on present day. It follows our main character Dante, who is a widower. His late wife Beatrice died on christmas eve on a car accident, now dante is suffering from depression and having suicidal thoughts. But moments before he commit suicide, he is stopped by Virgil his dog from childhood, which by the way can talk. Virgil tell Dante, that he must save Beatrice soul from Luficer and cleanse her, by going through purgatory and all the way up to paradise. But it won't be an easy journey, since Dante will have to fight his inner demons and those that were close to him. The game will be divide in 3 episodes, each one featuring a theme.

Gameplay: It will feature a simple gameplay accesible for everyone. Much of it will be controlling dante from a third person perspective, and interacting with the environment and solving puzzle to advance through the game. Also as the game progress the player will have the choice to make multiple decisions, which will affect the outcome of the story.


Credit: Representation of dante going through purgatory (Imagen from the videogame Journey)

Género: Battle royale, Puzzle, Estrategia
Plataforma: Móvil
Demografía: ESRB Everyone. Este juego es para aquellos jugadores que sientan que son profesionales en el juego de mesa conecta 4 y quieren llevar las cosas al siguiente nivel.

Descripción: Este juego lleva el juego clásico de mesa conecta 4 al siguiente nivel haciendo panel gigante infinito en donde los jugadores tendrán que competir entre ellos para conectar 4 fichas para así tener un punto.

Al comenzar una partida el panel va a comenzar a subir y eliminar las filas de abajo de modo que si un jugador no conecta 4 para al menos tener un punto será eliminado y los otros jugadores seguirán. En el trayecto se van a aparecer bombas (tipo bomberman) que explotarán eliminando tus conexiones y quitando puntos a ti.

Al quedar los 2 últimos jugadores el panel comenzará a mover en forma de zigzag y aparecerán mas bombas, haciendo que los jugadores tomen sus decisiones con cuidado.

