Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 9 years ago (January 18th 2016, 11 am).
Ended 8 years ago (July 30th 2016, 11 am).
I want to code more.
So I'm going to build something every day.
It can be a commit on existing code, or it can be something new.
It just needs to be something.
I have developed this as part of a school project. Getting work on android was a bit tricky but i ended up with a clean solution.
Today i introuced more features to municipalities API and fixed some bug.
I admit Docker is really awesome and helped me in the process.
Finished and fixed the API.
Now it is online running with Docker
Just a simple API built with Lapis that returns simple infos about italian municipalities. (Needed by an Android app we are going to develop the next days)
The project is on GitHub