Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 295 days ago (2024-03-02T02:00:00Z). Goes forever.
write at least 600 words each week.
these words can be for anything & don't all need to be part of the same piece.
1000+ words between game stuff and an in-progress blog post
got to 600 words between some journaling and game work
Forgot to submit on time but I did get 800 words done for a game!
Got just around 650 words done for a game and things for the game
Wrote just over 600 words for a game.
Wrote about 2,000 words for a game!
Still haven't gotten back to working on the novel. Not feeling great about that :(
Got a bit more than 600 words done between two game projects.
Wrote just over 600 words between a speech and a game.
Wrote around 1200 words between a game + a whole bunch of game reviews.