Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 5 years ago (2019-12-20T05:00:00Z). Goes forever.
coddity [** koh**-di-tee ]; -ies plural
An interesting bit of information written or created with a programming language
producing a helpful, unique, or fucking cool outcome.
It's for me, or, you, or anyone wanting some motivation and company on the journey to becoming a better programmer. The code that is submitted by myself will be mostly just stuff I need or need to get better at, but in the spirit of solidarity, I'm going to fix up my website finally so that it can serve the purpose it was always meant to. It was supposed to have been library of information, guides, and examples of coding from all languages and implementations. The problem is, HTML is my least traversed path, and so it has languished. But hopefully, this streak will be public enough that I can get it together and not fail on the stage of the internet.
Anyone submitting work to this should be okay with it being open-source and having it displayed on my site or here on streak. This is about learning through one another and sharing what we know. You should always use the license which requires proper attribution, however. You deserve credit for your work, and others should credit you if they use it!
As a self-taught programmer in all aspects, I have the generosity of others to thank for the knowledge I have in the realm of coding. Without the countless tutorials, software, source code, and videos laying down the Internet's own curriculum of code - I'd still be just playing games and watching youtube without actually understanding the work that goes into them.
After a decade of this attempt at being an autodidact, I'd like to give back to others in the way they gave to me.
From here on out, I'll be making something every single day. It may not be big, and it may be part of something larger, but I will post something for others to learn from.
Where will I do this?
Can I learn anything from you>?
Can I join you?
WikiPDF is a script I wrote that does what it says on the tin: but now in color! I shared it with the datahoarders on Reddit to a warm reception on Christmas Eve. So, on Boxing Day, I gave it a facelift.
Now, it outputs in beautiful color, making it more readable, and improving the user-experience overall. More readable, quick directory selections, and better error checking.
Never had a failure on it yet! crosses fingers
Here's to another day of coding oddities!
Yeah, I have a site that I never used and its good for a month so I put wordpress on it; not much, but it's a start.