Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 5 years ago (November 7th 2019, 5 am). Goes forever.
Gender: Progression, Tactics
Platform: PC, Mobile Devices
Demography: Focused for people who have long trips or just to play for a while
Game Description: This game is progression and is that you are a kind of farmer and you have to harvest rice, corn, wheat, carrots, beet etc.
also take care, feed and milk the cows to get milk also age milk to get cheese and not only care for cows but also sheep to get wool, take care of pigs, chickens and rabbits to get other materials such as rabbit skin, pork chops, chicken eggs , or pens to sell and with the money to buy more things and animals to extend your farm, but not everything will be easy since you have to defend the animals and the crops of intruders such as goblins, foxes, coyotes, hawks among others who want assault your farm and damage your crops and / or kill your animals
#Progression, #Tactics #PC #Mobile Devices
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