Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 5 years ago (November 4th 2019, 5 am). Goes forever.
Genre: Multiplayer, Fights, Action
Platform: PC, PS7, Xbox Ultimate
Demography: For a Young Public
Game Description:
This game is a fighting game similar to Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. But battles will not be seen in 2D, but will be seen in 3D, the game will initially be limited to just battle
Unlocking a certain number of characters will unlock a story mode that can be played both individually and cooperatively and there will also be a competitive mode
several special attacks and a final attack will be available in addition to several
normal attacks and combinations and special attacks that can be activated with
R1 + Square / Circle Triangle / X in console and RShift + Num1 / Num2 / Num3 /
Num4 on PC
Each character has an awakening and / or final attack mode that can be activated
with R1 + L2 and R2 or RShift + Num5 and Num6
you can catch or be caught in a combo of either normal or special attacks
The games function with Various Modalities such as fighting with time, with
quantity of lives or with life bars
#Multiplayer #Fights #Action #PC #PS7 #Xbox Ultimate
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