Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 5 years ago (October 11th 2019, 5 am). Goes forever.
Genre: survival, ghosts
Platforms: PCs, tablets, and smartphones
Demography: for people who love survival and ghost games
Game Description: This is a game where you are only trapped in a room since you are the guardian of this room and you must avoid that the corrupt spirits enter. the player will have only 2 weapons a sword and a spectral shield. but the player could get different powers to his weapons, for example, if of fire, ice, wind, electricity, light, darkness, plasma ect. Offensively or defensively as you defeat sub bosses or complete daily missions.
the player can only use 2 special powers on his sword and shield
There will be enhancers that release some enemies such as one that regenerates
life, another that regenerates energy and another that makes you immune for a
few seconds and each one will have different levels from 1 to 3
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