Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 5 years ago (September 27th 2019, 5 am). Goes forever.
Genre: Strategy, Random
Platform: All
Demography: For the general public
Game description: All that is Tic Tac Toe. It is the classic 2-person game where one player marks X and the other 0 marks on a 3x3 board in the form of a hashtag or numeral symbol, but this version of this classic game will include mechanics that will change that advantage of the first to start and also add a bit of chance to leave a little of it balance that has.
A pentagonal trapezohedron (10-sided die) will be included, which will be used to tell where the player's mark will be when his turn is random
players in addition to free shifts will have random shifts. As the first player usually has the advantage he will have a random turn more than the second
the first player turn that starts first will be a random turn and that of the other player will be free and the next turn will be the other way around so on
when the 10 comes out on the dice means that the shot may be free even if the player has a random turn
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