Started 10 years ago (January 31st 2015, 11 pm).
Ended 9 years ago (July 30th 2015, 11 pm).

I always start online courses, do the first two chapters and lose interest or get too busy to do the rest. This year, I want to complete at least one entire course on iTunes U, including all the exercises and projects.

Whether it's iTunes U, Khan Academy, Coursera or Duolingo — pick an online course for the skill or topic you're interested in and play along.

You've got 6 months, which should be plenty of time for most courses.

Recent submissions (2 total)

I've been trying to work out a good routine for doing the course — so far doing a few hours on the weekend works best, but ideally I'd like to find some time to do bits in the evening during the week as well.

First lectures and tasks are never too hard, but streak started!