Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
After getting the Artnoise re.corder, it was only logical that I do something with it for this month! My initial experiments very much sounded like a pipe band, so I decided to lean into that for St Patrick's day. I tossed some crowd ambience onto it and had the band fade out at the end like they're marching away. Because it's the old joke - why do pipe bands march? To get away from the noise!
My work today was playing around with the breath response curves and seeing how to best get it to respond. I can choose the channel it sends breath on, so I mapped that to expression and let Logic take care of relative volume. Overall, not bad! There's a bunch of other expressions that can be sent relative to position and roll - makes me think that a recorder-based Theremin is reasonable :)
If it's January, it must be time for Darkwave again!
This track grew out of reorganizing my studio and playing with hardware again. Track is sequenced in Logic, then recorded to audio tracks for more mixing. Samples are mangled with Logic's Remix FX plug. Took me a while to get the mix right - it was nice having the extra time for tweaking!
Samples are from Jail Bait (1954, public domain).
Hardware used: Wasp, K2, Jt4000 Micro, 2600, TD3, RD6, and AmbientØ (plus guitar)
joined 2 months ago
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This sounds so real! I was expecting the 20th Century Fox motif to appear after the rolling snares.