Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Gear Used:
ZOIA 10k
I wrote the bones of this song one night shortly after getting my op-xy, and it immediately gave me detective vibes. I spent some time this week fleshing it out, and added some delay and reverb using my new ZOIA fx pedal, which added some nice space to it. Yes, I could have just used the delay and reverb that the op-xy provides, but I wanted to test the zoia with something fairly simple, and to be honest, it sounds way better than what the op-xy provides, mostly because there are so many more configurable options.
joined 2 months ago
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The word "detective" really describes it perfectly - you can really imagine this in an animated series where the detective is tip-toeing making these comically huge steps :D
Oh damn, I thought I recognized this!!! I had totally heard this one on WB!!! Hahahahaha.... Awesome, it super does have strong detective energy in this one =)
Nice! I imagine some shady exchange being observed by a detective during a stake-out. Good ambiance.