Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Capo 5
INTROEm Astaring at the sunstaring at the sun
VERSEEm D Db Cwe act like ourselves for each otherwon’t you call me out to playall my friends and all my loverschoose a mask and join the game
when we drift into each othera little holiday from shamenameless creatures seeking shelterhuddled soft around the flames
BREAKEm A (melody)
CHORUSEm Astaring at the sunstaring at the sunG A G Aand dreamingof who you could become
VERSEEm D Db Cwhen i was younger i was brighteri was stronger, i was bravei hoped people would be kinderand we would dance the night away
we just sit and stare in silencei’m daring you to look awaycheck your phone and plan your futureyou’re not even here today
staring at the sunstaring at the sunand dreamingof who you could become
daily from 2024-02-05 to 2024-12-31
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Lyrics + Chords
Capo 5
Em A
staring at the sun
staring at the sun
Em D Db C
we act like ourselves for each other
won’t you call me out to play
all my friends and all my lovers
choose a mask and join the game
when we drift into each other
a little holiday from shame
nameless creatures seeking shelter
huddled soft around the flames
Em A (melody)
Em A
staring at the sun
staring at the sun
and dreaming
of who you could become
Em D Db C
when i was younger i was brighter
i was stronger, i was brave
i hoped people would be kinder
and we would dance the night away
we just sit and stare in silence
i’m daring you to look away
check your phone and plan your future
you’re not even here today
Em A (melody)
Em A
staring at the sun
staring at the sun
and dreaming
of who you could become
staring at the sun
staring at the sun
and dreaming
of who you could become
Em A (melody)