Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Couldn't go early again, very annoying swim. Pool overcrowded with inconsiderate people who float in the middle of the lane, fully blocking the path...
Still got to swim the minimum amount: 50 laps.
25 - crawl
25 - brass
54 laps:
25 - crawl
29 - brass
Sauna: 10 minutes
50 laps:
25 - crawl
25 - brass
Also did 3 sauna sessions:
10 minutes, 5 minutes and 5 minutes
Did 52 laps:
Crawl - 26
Brass - 26
Also did two 10 minute dry sauna sessions
Did 56 laps in total:
29 - brass
27 - crawl
After intermittent breaks, I'm back. Late submitting, forgot.
Swam 52 laps:
27 - brass
25 - crawl
Skipped two days because I got sick.
Swam 50 laps
25 - crawl
25 - brass
Didn't feel well during the swim. Only managed to complete 44 laps:
20 - crawl
24 - brass
I got sick and had to spend the rest of the day rejuvenating and skip the 10th swim.
Slept in today, went a bit late.
Swam 54 laps:
32 - crawl
22 - brass
Forgot to submit D:
Swam 60 laps:
30 - crawl
30 - brass
Swam 50 laps again:
25 - crawl
25 - brass
Consistency is hard, almost thought about skipping today.
Did 50 laps:
25 - brass
25 - crawl
Went a bit early today, less people, better swim.
Swam 50 laps:
25 - crawl
25 - brass
Doing ok.
Swam for 40 minutes
Did 52 laps:
27 - brass
25 - crawl
10:30am is way too late to start, pool was overcrowded.
Swam for 50 minutes
Did 60 laps:
25 - brass
35 - crawl
Great start.
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